All I Ever Need

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His short brunette hair flapped in the wind as he stood with the rest of the guys. His laugh contagious, as he tells them the story. His ocean blue eyes twinkle as his smile reaches his eyes. His skin tanner than ever from his holiday away to the beach. The wind turning colder, hinting that winter isn't far away. I watched as his eyes focused every now and then on the faces of his mates that he missed while he was away, each of them changing over the summer break, whether it was for better or worse I could see he was trying figure that out. As he stood there the dew from the grass seeped in through the holes in his sneakers. This was the last first day of school. Ten months to go and he was free from school forever.

The bell rings, indicating the start of school. It was time to face the rest of the class. Everyone has changed over the holidays. They were all reminiscing their holidays, all sounding like they had the time of their lives. It was now his turn to tell his holiday story. No one knows the pain he went through, all they know is he went to the beach. No one needs to know that he lost his parents. That he was with them when they died and he couldn't do anything to save them. The feeling of hopelessness was eating him alive ever since the incident, and all he could do was mask the pain with a smile and laugh like nothing happened.

The first two classes of the day fly past, bringing on lunch time. Every one moves off into their own groups slowly. It's the stereotypical high school here, your sporty people sit together, your 'nerds' sit by themselves reading a book or doing homework that isn't due till next week, your druggies sit at the back of the sports field smoking joints. The only thing that troubled him was wear he was to sit now. Knowing that he can't play sports anymore after his back injury he isn't welcomed into his usual group of friends.

I was your typical nerd I guess you would say. I would wear sweat pants and oversized hoodies to school with uggs on my feet. I would spend my free time reading book and fantasying over my dream love life that I knew would never happen. Well that's what I thought. I was just sitting down by myself outside underneath the bottle tree. My long dull brown hair drapes around my shoulders, slightly swaying with the breeze. I carefully turned the pages of the book I bought this morning on my way to school. The new book smell filling my senses. As I turn the pages the story became more and more intriguing. I was too engrossed in my book wanting to know what happens next that I didn't even know there was someone beside me until they tapped me on the shoulder.

I turned to face them and saw those ocean blue eyes laced with pain staring right at me. His face so close to mine that I could count the smallest freckles. The bags under his eyes more noticeable than ever, it was obvious that the incident haunts him. He doesn't know that I saw the accident. I watched as he pulled himself from the backseat of the upturned vehicle. I heard him cry out for his parents to get out of the car before it blows. I watched as someone who had stopped drag him to safety just in time. I saw the horror that laced his face as he heard the cries of pain from his parents. I saw him brake to tears as the fire fighters and ambos pulled his parents out of the burning car. He doesn't need to know that I was there, that I called the emergency services. That I didn't do anything to save his parents either. But as I stared into his pain filled eyes, I knew that this day was going to change my life forever. Today was the day that I fell in love with the boy that needed saving. Today was the day I fell for Billy Irwin.

I was lying in bed reading a book. The story intriguing me with every page I read. Every now and then my mind would wonder to my amazing boyfriend. What was he doing? How is he coping? How would he react if he ever found out that I was there that day? My stomach feels like it has been turned upside down and twisted. I still haven't told him. I need to tell him, but when is my only problem. My hand slowly reaches to my phone. I should call him. No, I can't he's coming over this afternoon and I don't want to seem clingy. My blinds were flapping in the wind breaking the silence in the room. I'll tell him when he gets here. It was at that moment when I let go of my phone that I get a text from him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2019 ⏰

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