Its over isnt it

3 0 0

Why did you open up to him and not me

Did you love him more than you loved me

Was I always In 2nd place

Were we only together because he wasn't available

Was I an option and he was the propriety

Did you trust him and not me

Did you fight harder for him then you did for me

Did you push him away as easily as you did to Me

If you never found out how I was feeling those days would you continue to have that smile I adore so much

Would the small price to pay be enough for you

Was the choice yours subconsciously

Were you even hurt

Is this what you wanted

Did you regret decisions made long overdue like I did

Was I ever on your mind

Would you have wanted a 2nd chance

Did you erase your old life for your new life just as fast

Could you tell I don't like playing the bad guy

Could you tell I did it to keep that smile I saw on your face

It wasn't with me but you were happy

Did you think it'd be impossible

That would never happened

Were you as happy seconds after it happened

Did you plan for the future as soon as we started

Did you love me as much as I loved you

Maybe you were right for me but I wasn't right for you

Everyone said I was doing the right thing

That I shouldn't feel regret

Truth is I wasn't proud of any of it

Not for one second I was happy

I had so many plans

You as my wife

Us as a family

I was looking forward to all of it

I knew we had problems

But every problem I believed

We could work through it

It was a future I wanted

But through the months

I saw you happy

If I could go back in time back to that day

I wouldn't wanna change anything

I wanna see you happy

Even if it's not with me

Hope your happy now

2016- September
(Warning) I may delete this I don't know I wrote this on the fly in 2016 so let's see how long this could be left standing it'll last longer then last time

Old but New Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt