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Guess who I saw.......Cierra

She was more beautiful.than ever (Thats her in MM) I love her more than I did bfore Yea I do got a girlfriend but she just aggs me all the time Cierra had a lil boy with her , Im guessing thats pur child I dont remember alot bit I doo remember that she was pregnant when she left..

Me:Ayye Cierra thats you

Cierra POV

hii yall im backk So yess I was at the mall with ma Son JayyQuan He was 1 and I heard someone call ma name I turned around and it was aboy I walked over there to.him

Me:Yep its me Who are you

??? QUAN

Me:Oh I remember you This ya baby So how you been

Quan:I been good but when did you have him

Me:1 year agoo

Quan:I havent been in your life for a fucking year and I bet he doesnt kno im his dad

Me:nahh he talks ,and walk but he doesnt kno youu

Jayy:Who Thwat Mwama

Me:uhh Jayy This is your father his name Is Quan like yours

Quan:His name is Quan


Quan:Well Jayy im DeQuan

Jayy:Awnd Ywour mwy dwad

Me:yes he is,nice to see you again

Quan:Yea it was, what is your #

Me:its the samme ,Jayy get up lets goo

Jayy:Dawmnn Mwama cwan ywou wait fwuck

Quan:Little boy dont talk to your mama like that

Jayy:Sowwyy dwad

Quan:You good, Ayye C can I come over for dinner

Me:Uhh Jayy ima kick ya ass say that shitt again,and Quan Idk ,Maybee Just call me ASAPP ,BYEEE

Jayy:bwyee dwaddy

Quan:Bye yall

Quan POV

WHEN I SAW both ma lives leaving I was sad I.didnt kno what too doo I just left the mall and went home when I got there ma girl Jiya was home I went inside



Me:im going out tonight

Jiya:im coming

Me:ok get dressed

Jiya Pov

Idk where we going long as I get to be by ma mann side all day

Btw I got dressed in a dressed that stop at ma thighs and I put on some High heels and put earrings in ma ear and somemore jewelry and went downstairs to a Tired Quan

Quan:finally yo ass readyy fuck

Me: be quiet



This bitch was ugly asf she had on a dress with heels and alot of jewelry but anyways we got to ma car when we got in iguess Jiya hit her foot cuz she bent down in the car and sum fell out her titties I picked it up and it was...................





I fuck wit u girl(rich homie quan)Where stories live. Discover now