Give Me a Chance

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Each school has a gum-ball machine of guys in schools. All you have to do is turn the knob and out comes a boy for you to date, but each boy comes with a different price. One could be too clingy while another could be desperate for sex even though he hasn't done any sexual activity with anyone else before. That is what my life at Justice High School is like. Every boy I meet isn't the one for me. At first the thought of being with them as a couple brings a smile to my face, but afterwards once they start to show their true colours you realize that it was never meant to be.

This was all before I met him. The cutest boy I have seen at this school; in my whole life. I was nervous about talking to him at first until my friend Ally introduced me to him at lunch. He was extremely shy, in fact I almost thought he was mute. Eventually, he started to laugh at the jokes I made and responded to my simple questions. Name, age, birthday, questions like that. I gave him my messenger name and we took off from there.

Later that night he sent me a message and I never felt happier in my life. We talked for hours and fell asleep doing so. It would seem that things would go great, but unfortunately fate had another plan for me. As time went by his shyness took over whenever I was around. He would barely talk to me, won't look at me, or reply as quick as he did before. I began to wonder if I did something wrong. Was I coming on too strong to him? I soon found out later...

I took my phone out of my front left pocket and looked at the new message I had received not too long ago. It was from the boy I think about all the time, Tony.

Tony: I just don't think we would work out.

My body tensed instantly. Why would he think that me and him wouldn't work out if we haven't tried to be a couple.

Tyler: How can you assume that without actually giving us a chance?

I stayed on our message screen to see if he would reply, but he never replied after that. I could feel tears trying to escape from my eyes. I closed them shut and breathed in and out slowly so that I wouldn't cry. I promised them I would never cry in or away from the public to stay strong. My thoughts were spinning everywhere in my mind as he traveled from one side to the other. How could he possibly think that we would go so wrong?

At the moment I didn't know what to do but sing a song; sing whatever comes to mind to help clear my mind.

"Far, far away, there's a swaying sea of rice grains
Raise the sails, raise the sails, and go to the memories that we aimed for
Do we still remember all of the sad things up to today, or have we forgotten them?

Even in our small hands, since when has there been a strength that's overtaking us?
We walked from the days when we cried beneath the ripe grapes
Even if our hands are little, even if we're separated, we'll go down this road
On the day to come sometime, we'll treasure our greatest memories

The seasons change and the cold wind
Has already been wrapped by and sleeping in the song of that spring

Even in our small hands, since when has there been a strength that's overtaking us?
How many smiles reflected on our wet cheeks?
Even if our hands are little, even if we're separated, we'll go down this road
And on the day that came, we treasured our memories, too

Even if our hands are small, they've been overtaking us since some other day
The day that finally came opened a new season"

Though it's been years, I allowed the tears to stream down my face creating a puddle where I could view my own reflection. I believed that it was hard to get rejected when you've done so much already.

My phone lit up and let out a sad cry notifying me of a new message. I saw that the sender was him and wondered whether I should look at it or not, but of course I did what I knew I would regret.

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