Three Strikes on Royal Sky

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Years after the end of the lighthouse war, many countries still trying to recover from the remnants of war.

The border along nations and kingdom in the strangereal become unified as the IUN focusing on support the victims of war.

Fortunately the mankind has been saved from the terror againts the endless war of drones and machine era. But that peace becomes temporary as the heart of the mankind is being corrupted with greed. While the remaining functional country like osea federation remains stable and secured. There are also several country who lost from the war or destructed by the war becomes shattered and their lands become total anarchy in fighting over borders as they have no leader to regulate nor a country to called home.

This chaotic situation keep on going, and of course with the kingdom of erusea, one of the most suffering country from the lost of war. The erusea has been build on the lost of many tribes, nobilities, and kingdoms. These peoples have been forced to bow to the law of erusean kingdom annexation. Erusean kingdom once a tiny kingdom with a long history of invading another union in search for power and resources. The old erusea is so greed that they will use every dirty way to invade another land, including their use of the most advanced and latest belkan technology, belkan is the long lost nation in the belkan war that somehow survived and lives in the shadow of erusean kingdom. Even the erusean shock the world with their decclaration of war againts the biggest nation in the continent, the osean federation. How could such a small country with so few resources would be dare to challenge the giants. Its because of their advanced weaponery, and they have superior manpower and technology, they didn't suffer much cassualties from each battle because their few soldiers is being aided by drones and machines, their drones capability equal to a 100 osean ace, their satellite hackers are worth 100 osean intels, with their accurate targetting systems technologies, they can avoid attacking the civillian and only the militaries which makes them free from the penalty and sue of some war crimes law, and of course, behind it all, its their princess who keep motivate them to keep the war ongoing.

But since the fall of erusea capital in farbanti, a little by little erusea is being weaken and exposed. The long silent pack of radicals rebels in erusea starts seeing this as an opportunity to turn the tide againts erusea and start reclaiming their taken lands. And the worst is that even in this situation of uncertainty, the erusean kingdom loyalist also start to lose their hope in the royal family and even despise and accuse the royal family for bringing erusea to its chaos. And so on they attack every royal family member including the princess.

It turns out that the princess is actually an innocent and a victim of the false indoctrinate of erusea royal family teachings and cultures. But the people don't see that way and generalized it, so since that day the royal family of erusean kingdom has lost their people's trust, their pride, their honor, and their existence of royal lineage is considered lost by the people. However, the princess is still on the run from place to place in search for shelter, even when the war is over. She thinks that the anarchy in her land is still keep on going.

But she didn't know in that chaotic time, actually the rebellion and the spirit of restoration is already over the moment I shoot down mihaly from the skies. All those rebellion is initiated by mihaly after all, he is like some kind of salvation to the rebels and radicals in erusea, no wonder because mihaly is one of the noble from shilage dynasty, one of the nost influential and respected clan among the unions in the erusean land. He used to be a top ace in his time that pretend to serve the erusean kingdom in the royal military, but only to seek for intels and an opportunity to destroy the erusean kingdom for his revenge when his land is being taken by the royal family, but now he's only an old man with all his memories while laying hopelessly in his own bed. So now, every rebels and radicals in erusean land is only a weak and vulnerable people with no nation. Even mihaly's granddaughters are saved and found by IUN as an apatride war victims and later being entrusted under to me, while later on under my supervision they being enlisted to help the public service and to help other war victims.

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