when you're first born

507 11 15


He wouldn't put you down and wouldn't let anyone else hold you


He sang to you (que 'dear y/n')


He sang to you in French it was cute


He sang the circle of life to you and lifted you up in the air!


He held you close and wouldn't let anyone touch you


He went and bragged to Hamilton about how his kid was better then fed you his special macaroni

James M.

He wasn't sick that day so he got to hold you, y'all just went home and cuddled that day.

King George

He had a huge party to let everyone know of your arrival on earth and only let Samuel hold you since he only trusted Samuel and no one else other than himself of course


He promised to love you no matter what, king George was happy for him, you instantly became friend's with kg3's kid


She bragged to her sisters and Alex that her kid was the best, but she was only joking, you instantly became friends with Alex daughter

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