The Strange Land

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The wind is whiping across the face of Eliza through the branches of bare trees, trying to put some distance between her and the wild disgusting monster chasing her.

THE CREATURE: (following Eliza desperately)

The force of the monsters roar shook the ground and her feets trembled with that impact she felt through the ground...Eliza jumps into a pool of black water,leaving her face and body scratched with mud and clay...

ELIZA : Come on,get up!!...keep moving Eliza.....

(She uses all her efforts digging her fingers inside the soil and pushes her body to approach the mirror Infront which was her target to escape this)

ELIZA : just...a little...push can!!!!!

(Then suddenly the monster jumps from the tree right behind her)

                       (Emitting a wild roar)

Eliza falls down at her back as the creature approaches to attack her from the front.

To escape the storm of the creature,Eliza spreads her hands out Infront..from which a beam of energy attacks the creature through her fingertips.

ELIZA : Assas Petachteii!!!


Eliza getsup and sits upright on her bed and clutches her chest...

ELIZA : That felt so real thou!!!

Her phone buzzes immediately and she peeps at the clock and saw it was almost 10 ,she realizes that the alarm has gone off for almost an hour.

ELIZA : OMG!!!... I'm gonna be late for my counselling setion

Eliza runs to her closet to get ready

(Soon after she gets ready...she sets out to visit the advisor straight away without even noticing that someone is staring at her from inside the mirror)

Eliza then runs into the advisor hurriedly and apologizes for being late.

ELIZA : Sorry...I slept.

ADVISOR : it's okay.. you're not late after relax..let's get into the setion

The advisor takes a look over her file

ADVISOR : On looking at your file,you seem to be completely alright!...Your grades are good and your attendance are excellent.I just wonder what  made you to visit me.

ELIZA : I Know ,but I just can't understand,I always wanted to be happy...but...I can't...I mean..I don't realise, why??...I feel like ,I'm waiting for something that's never gonna happen...

ADVISOR : And what's that you're exactly waiting for???

ELIZA : I guess....umm.. probably for some fantasy world!??...ummm....I mean nothing...forget that, I was just kidding...!!

ADVISOR : Okay relax...I think you're confused and I completely understand can you do me a favour.

ELIZA : Huh?..

ADVISOR : just go home and have enough sleep and think over the exact reason behind your hesitation...can you do this for me..??

ELIZA : yeah sure...why for your advice,see you soon...

Later ,Eliza stands in her bathroom staring at her reflection and questioning herself...

ELIZA : I know that Eliza...this counseling is not gonna help...and I know pretty well, you don't belong's somewhere out there ,but when am I gonna figure it out...

Suddenly the lights starts to flicker

ELIZA : what the hell....these lights!!!!!

Then something appears in the bathroom mirror,she sees her own reflection but with a way different looks..

ELIZA : Huh!!!...why do I look like this... what the hell...that looks like my face..but......!!

Eliza reaches out the reflection in the mirror but when her reflection didn't move,  Eliza gets freezed and she starts to sink in the mirror.

ELIZA : Am I I dreaming again..wake up Eliza ! Wake-up...!!!

Eliza tries to pull it ,but her hands didn't come free..she completely sunk into the mirror

ELIZA : whoaaa!!!!!wait......!!

It took her to a some stream where water rushed towards her,forcing her to go with the current...
Suddenly she felt some strange sturdy arms wrapping around her waist and pulling her into the waters...
She feels herself being dragged on to a dry land...she finally reached a strange new land wiping the wet waters from her eyes..

ELIZA : where....where am I now??.....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2019 ⏰

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