The Tunnel

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{3rd Pov}
After introductions to each other, Isla and Oliver started heading deeper into the tunnel, at the start of tunnel they reach a lot of what seem to be low ranked lost, as they make a deeper exploration both of them fight a couple of high ranked lost but nothing Isla and Oliver couldn't handle.

They reach a gate door and Isla walked up to it and opens it for them to walk through, as they walk through Oliver mentions throughout the narrow walkway to be careful and Isla nods her head to let him know that she herd him. Soon they reach a mistle and find a chest along with it. Soon they find a path leading into a cave they follow it, soon they see a fellow revenant, "wait didn't they come in before us?! Hey are you ok?"

As soon as he steps close the revenant from before turns and Oliver was left in a stunned state that it gave the revenant turned lost a chance to attack and it did, Oliver hits the floor on his behind "Oliver! WATCH OUT! AGGGHH!" Isla runs and dashes infront of him and slashed the lost into ash. Isla turns around quickly to aid in Oliver only to see the air from his purifier mask  leaking from it! "I'm ok Isla, it's ok I'm fine, you should go ahead ok?"

"I can't leave you here! Who knows what's lurking here!" She kneels infront of him and looks at him worriedly, she can tell that nothing good will come from this. "You should go up ahead I'll catch up with you, I promise!" "You promise?" Isla asks and Oliver nods his head. "Ok then."

She smiles and begins to walk off. As she runs around to try and get Oliver out of here as quick as possible, she faces horrors all over once she sure she gets all in the surrounding area she find another mistle and activates it. She regenerates at the mistle bus as soon she she gets everything she has, Isla begins to move onward but as she does she runs into a stranger! She stops immediately and hold onto her sword harder, the stranger turns around to find Isla, "oh! Are you an explorer too? Well anyway I need help to go deeper and don't worry I won't stab you in the back, the horror and lost are enough already." He stand there waiting for an answer and as Isla thinks, she looks into his eyes and notices that his eyes are bright and true and no signs of malice at all, "alright I can help you but we need to hurry I have a friend that needs help!"

He relies, "alright let's go then." We both run and as soon as we turn we find 2 giant horrors with little minions surround them we both look at each other and nod, as he take a right I take a left he starts to attack the one of big ones, while I take the minions. Soon after we reach a spring and remembering what Io did I scratch my palm and drip my blood onto activating it but the spring only releases one bead. The stranger comes next to me, "fascinating, your able to clear and revive a spring with your blood! Amazing" he looks at me with his eyes full of awe and wonder and slight curiosity.

" I have a home base I would like you to come and stop by if you can, I would like to run some test." I mod my head, "I'll see but I would like to get my friend help and get back to someone waiting for me on the surface." "Of course" he starts to walk ahead, "let's get back to the top now, shall we? We should be close." I run to catch up with him, we go through the rest with little to no problem but just as we reach the surface.

As the stranger and Isla reach the opening they are surprised with a man bent over the dead body of a revenant eating it. As Isla walks closer she is surprised to see Oliver, "Oliver?" Oliver turns around fast but to the surprise of Isla it's no longer Oliver but the shell of him of him that's has been replaced with the lost.

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