//the guilty accuser\\

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The sun barely began dipping beneath the grey clouds, as misty eyes glazed over, snatched away from any look of sight. Only blue eyes were fixated back, unable to tear away from the marbly gaze.

Barely being able to suppress a shudder, her eyes now focused on the floor, which wasn't much better. A pool of blood had now began trickling around the body, sending a tangy scent which made Spotwing gag.

Stood above the body was a broad, but small brown tabby, barely looking over the age of a newly made warrior. She knew otherwise. And his eyes showed it too.

His eyes were such a vivid and sharp green, and a slight ring of red outlines around, both colours contrasting each other with sickening content.

The brown tabby warrior dared to speak, for she was too startled to move. However, as usual, she spoke before assessing and overthinking the situation.

"Dustblaze." Her words were heavy with shock. "What have you done?!" Spotwing's voice rose at the end of the sentence, causing Dustblaze to raise one eyebrow in a mocking way.

"One less useless kittypet in our territory." He spoke with a casual fluency, as if it was nothing, as if killing an innocent cat was nothing. "Her and her kits were always hanging around the territory, being pests."

"Almond was not a useless cat, and you know it!" Her voice broke at the death of the loner and the absence of her kits. Almond had always had a significant meaning to BirchClan, being an extremely close friend of Stalkstar, even helping the leader care for her kits once or twice when they were younger. It would break the leaders heart to know it had been her own son who'd committed the murder.

"Maybe I do know it. But maybe I do not have the heed to care." The warrior spoke back, now beginning to wash a front paw, The was still sticky and slick with blood.

"You ignorant cat! It's about time that BirchClan found out about the state of your crimes." Spotwing spoke up now, growling and raising her hackles as she approached him.

"That, they never will." Dustblaze instantly dropped from his casually sitting, into a battle stance, claws seething into the ground, tail lashing.

Spotwing took the first blow, barely managing to tear a chunk out of his left ear before Dustblaze had managed to grapple onto her back and firmly pin himself there. For only being the age of sixteen moons, Spotwing herself was quite a bulky cat, much broader and taller than Dustblaze. But he was swifter, more experienced, and more bloodthirsty.

She could feel the spikes of pain on her back, and eventually collapsed, too weakened by such strong blows. As she panted in exhaustion, placing her head between her paws, she could hear Dustblaze's voice.

"Don't go messing with me. Because you'll end up like her." His eyes narrowed with a satisfied smirk, and with that the brown tabby tom had walked off. All Spotwing could take realisation of was the blood that layered on his pelt, was much more than before. And much more than what he'd gotten when she attacked him. Her vision went blurry as she fell unconscious, that the last though on her mind.

It was when the she-cat had awoken that she knew something was instantly wrong. Silence pitched in the air, her wounds were still stinging at her back.

By this point, Spotwing would've thought that Marigoldflame or Pigeonfrost would've fixed her up with cobwebs. The scent of the den was familiar, as well as the drawing of the willow fronds at the front entrance, the herbs stacked up neatly in a corner, non of which she knew the name of.


A single anguished cry. Her heart stopped. All the brown tabby could confirm was that this had something to do with Dustblaze. And with slight astonishment, that was the voice of her mother, was it not?

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