Its a conspiracy

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Time travel is the ultimate game changer, and that's ok because that's what you've been Bred and raised to believe. No Magic, Witch or Wizards, no mystical creatures. only Heaven and Hell, death and taxes. they say no story is %100 false, and that's very true. but as you read this remember, that what was yesterday, may not be true today. And even though it's written in stone, in time, we will rewrite that too.

                      Way back
Alvin Pruitt is the name, A little average, and kind of a geek not too tall and very unassuming. Flying below the radar was my style, even though I Had none. Both parents spent my childhood at work and when they weren't, they had no time for me. I spent my time living in fantasy. Taking advantage of my father's book and film collection young Alvin visited Mordor! And the forest moon of Endor! The desert planet Dune! My fantasies allowed me to learn skills I didn't know I would one day need to survive. Knives and Axes I would throw at trees he walked along with the trails open the spa some animals going about it's business he learned to start fires and purify water, he learned how to read the stars, learn how to find food when it did not look like there was any. He was very lonely always alone not good looking enough to get a girlfriend what he did have an abundance was a willingness to look and see what was over the hill  what was beyond the forest what was on the other side of the of the lake, he was a dreamer.

the men and women in my field are something of painters, painting on a canvas made of time and space, a brush stroke here, The fall of the Alamo, a stroke here, a successful invasion of Normandy, a swipe there the Nuking of Washington DC, or didn't that happen yet? or will it? It's very hard to put a trace on the timelines when they always move! And sometimes disappear completely. its easily done, and things can be stopped before it was done, or ever even thought of, or the person who did it will never be born because his/her mother was killed in their cradle. its a filthy business. but many are willing to do it in the name of what ever cause the men with the money are willing to pay. historians make up the bulk of those aspiring Travelers. and the rest is believe it or not role-players men and women who are comfortable pretending to be cowboys. and only cowboys because that's the only viable wormhole in existence, as far as we know and that wont be the case for long. but with that wormhole we have a 50 year window

I've been walking for Days, the boots I have on we're not meant for long treks, the sun beating down on my bare head cooking the oil on my face blisters bubbling up on my ears, one minute it's hot and the next it's pouring the rain the nights are cold the tent I have doesn't block the wind the bedroll is in no way soft, after the third day I just walked aimlessly the road turned into a wide-open frontier and I just walked in a straight line, deliriously sick so I was just walking in any direction, it didn't matter anymore.

"Hey Alvin! Are you going to stand there?!"
Gun shaking in my hands "Shoot him!"
"Shoot him!"

Several times this past week I've woken up on the ground, dazed with lungs full of phlegm and eyes and throat red. with no knowledge of having laid down. The situation was getting serious. I had to get out of Chicago so fast I couldn't buy the things I needed to travel. Just make it to the next town, Al. I heard someone yell my name. I spun in the direction I thought it came from, in my grogginess I lost my footing and stumbled and fell on my face. While I was laying there,  God only knows how long, howls began rising up just out of sight. Loud cackling laughter amongst the howls. Long beautiful howls and the wheezy cackles. I could hear the wolves circling me, and the laughter too. " traveler" a whisper among the wolves. I was laying face down not wanting to look for whatever was laughing inside the thicket in the darkness. THe wheezy cackle rang out again. The howls became a constant sound now. None of the wolves was stopping to breathe. It became unbearable. I turned to the sound and opened my eyes enough to see a goat like head peering at me, we locked eyes and he smiled, a huge grin that split his face. I slammed my eyes shut and vowed to never look again. The very sight of that beast made me wish I were dead.
"Oh you see me? I see you." the horror said in the voice of a 5 year old boy
My god it speaks! "What the  hell are you?!"
"Open your eyes and see me more, my friend" I obliged and slowly opened my eyes. Steeling myself against another jolt of fear I seen it raise up out of the brambles half man half goat it was a horrible mixture of the two. All of 6 feet and covered in coarse black and brown hair. His penis flopping lazily about and it too was covered in hair. I would never have believed it. "You can't survive, Alvin. Just go home, and be boring. HA. Boring old Alvin! Squeaky Alvin" raising up to see the the imp walk towards me. His walk was jerky and unsteady it was a walk of a Parkinson's victim  but reanimated as a zombie "I can help you, my love. Just ask me, I can be a good buddy" he knelt beside me and stroked my head with gnarled claws. his nails gently scraping my scalp, bringing blood.
"I Can do this. I don't need no help with this cough or this quest and I can stop Lawton!" The Devil laughed, a wheezing breathy and sickly sounding disturbance.
"You have no chance at that. Your arrogance is getting you killed, and you know it, this is just an excuse to quit, your a bad boy Al. here you are! dying before me!" His voice shifted it was deep and feminine at once but His wheezy laughter rang across the Missouri wasteland. "You will die here HAHA" stomping his cloven feet "Just roll over already and just croak" I sat up in time to see him. A bipedal goat, spinning arms outstretched laughing at the sky
"You will die tonight! Look at you, friend!"
he stopped spinning his back to me. He spun around staggered to the side and ran at me.
"YOU!" His clawed finger in my face his voice a boys again"will die, Knife fighter. But not tonight! I jest, just a bit" he cackled he reared back and shrugged "soon maybe" I laid back head spinning "leave me alone to die"
"Not tonight" the whisperer. "Nope, not tonight"
I jerked awoke just before dawn

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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