#9 You fight (part 2)

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Luke- It had been a week since you and Luke had seen each other. You were becoming to see that you were a little hard on him, but he deserved it. Someone knocked on your door. You answered and Luke stood there.
"Look, before you shut the door, I can explain everything! I wasn't ignoring you, I was looking for a present! Please forgive me?" You nodded and kissed him.
Michael- You were living with your best friend since you and Michael broke up. You were listening to the radio when 5SOS came on. You were about to turn it off until Michael said, "Y/N I miss you! Wherever you are, come home!"
Ashton- You walked around the shop with your 1 year old daughter. It had been almost 2 years since Ashton left you. Your daughter began to cry meaning you had to take her out of the store. There stood Ashton and Michael.
"Y/N?" You looked up and began to walk off! "Y/N, I'm sorry! I want to help you out! I feel so bad for leaving you!"
Calum- It had been a few months since Calum had seen you last. You were missing him so much! You were reading the newspaper when an article came up about 5SOS. As I read on it said:
"Calum later told us this:'I broke up with the nicest girl ever after fans told me she was cheating on me. I miss her with all my heart.'"

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