Chapter 6

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"Are you sure this is a good idea, Bakugou? You two don't exactly... get along." Kirishima asked, walking side by side with Bakugou.

"Yes I'm fucking sure. He's the nerdist person here, he's got to have some good knowledge in that useless brain of his." Bakugou responded. The two boys soon arrived at Mirdoriya's dorm room, and knocked on the door a couple times.

Instead of being greeted by Mirdoriya, the boys were surprised to find Shoto Todoroki opening the door.

"Icy-Hot?? What the hell are you doing in stupid Deku's room??" Bakugou asked harshly, glaring daggers at Todoroki.

"I'm looking for Mordoriya. He said I could come pick up the book I lent him a few weeks ago, but he's not here. The door was unlocked when I got here." Todoroki defended. That's weird, thought Bakugou. Stupid Deku almost never leaves his room.

"Well, we're looking for Midoriya, too! Wanna join us?" Kirishima joyfully asked, earning daggers being glared at him from a certain ticking-time bomb. Todoroki gave one glance to Bakugou, thought for a second, then shrugged.

"Sure." he emotionlessly stated. Kirishima smiled, once again much to Bakugou's jealousy. So the three boys started their journey. Starting downstairs.

~ Time Skip ~

Kirishima's POV

"Huh? No, I haven't seen Deku since yesterday..."

Man... this is harder than I thought. It seems like nobody has seen Mirdoriya since yesterday after school.

"It's fine, Uraraka! We were just looking for him to ask him a question! No biggy!" I half smiled. Todoroki is asking some other people if they've seen Midoriya, while Bakugou is just... sitting on the couch.

I feel bad for him. This must be a horrifying experience. He said he died twice already...

I walk over the Bakugou and sit close to him. A light blush forms on my checks. Why is my heart beating so fast??

"How you holding up?" I question.

"Oh you know, I'm doing just great. Already died multiple times, it's cool, it's cool." he smuggly responded. I gave him a half glare and a pout.

"Come on bro, don't be like that... We should head to class soon anyways." I say, picking up from bag from the ground. Bakugou grumbles something I can't hear, and gets off the couch.

~ Time Skip ~

As we were making our way to the school building, we talked about the person who did this to Bakugou.

"So what does he look like again?" I ask. Bakugou gives me a quick glare, and then sighs.

"He's pale and has black hair with blonde highlights. His eyes are dark blue and have stars in them. That's basically it." he says, looking down at the ground. When I find this guy, I'll beat him up! It's unmanly to do such a thing to a person!

We enter the building, and start changing our shoes. Once we finish that, we make our way to class together.

Bakugou's POV

As Kirishima and I made our way to first period, I got thinking. Since I'm going back in time and all when I die, doesn't that mean that if I prevent myself from meeting the guy, I'll be back to normal? That makes sense, right??

I'm not going to Kirishima this. I feel like I've put way too many problems on his shoulder today. Or, at least, this today. But if I'm going to do this plan, I need to cancel the lesson plan to do patrols. How the hell am I gonna do that??

We finally get to our math class, with Ectoplasm missing. He'll probably show up in a few minutes when the bell rings. We are kind of early, after all. So I go back to thinking about my plan.

I have the whole day to plan this out. It shouldn't be too hard, right?


Word Count : 614

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