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You were awaken by the wretched sound of your phone ringing in your ear. Groaning, you pick up your phone from the desk next to your bed to see who was calling you

Your eyes widen as you see those three letters displayed across your screen

D a d

It all came rushing back, like a tsunami, everything, the childhood you've tried to forget, it came back.

"Alright, Y/N, you see that man over there?" Your father whispered into your ear as you nod "take this, and shoot him" he said handing over the silver coloured gun

You were just a child, a 6 year old kid, who thought adults were always right

"Go on, pull the trigger" he whispers "it'll make dad very happy" he persuades, knowing how much you wanted to impress your father, not knowing right from wrong, you shot the innocent man, you ended a life

"Don't worry, child he'll be okay, now let's get out of here" he reassured, taking your hand and walking out, knowing that someone had most likely already heard the gunshot.

For the next 10 years, your dad trained you, behind your mother's back.

You didn't know at the time but your dad was the head of a gang, the most Powerful gang in Korea for years, and he wanted you to take his place when he finally retired.

And you were very close to joining the gang. You had already killed, you murdered people, for a hobby, you were raised to believe this was the way others lived,

The only people you knew were the other gang members and Thier children, who were also brought up to believe they could kill without consequences

This was your life, at sixteen you were about to join a gang, sign your life away to violence, without even knowing it. You were already a murderer, under your father's wing, but he was about to let you go off on your own, either falling or flying

That was well, until your mother had found out, she found out everything. About how your dad was the head of the most dangerous gang in Korea and how you were secretly being turned into the next one.


And she was pissed off, she wanted a divorce,full custody of you and your siblings, and your father to be kicked out

She won the case
And the divorce was finalized
And you've never seen your dad since that day.

But he taught you a valuable life lesson

Don't trust anyone.

Oh and also self defense, but that's not dramatic so.....

Don't trust anyone.

Promise the next chapter will be longer

'heartless' |park jimin|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt