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By: Marianne Patosa

Hahahahaha... you're ugly! You're ugly! You're also ugly! What? Don't you agree? I'm also smart. One plus one, it's two! It's two! It's two! Hehehehehe... I'm so smart. You know, you know, you know, I can also sing and dance. Yes, yes, yes, sing and dance! Ready, one! Two! Three!

You see? You see? I'm beautiful, smart, and talented! But, despite all that, my mother left me! She left me to fend for myself! She left me to endure the dreadful days and the ruthless nights!

Mama! Mama! What did I do for you to despise me? Mama!

Ever since she left, I was introduced into smoking. I also started drinking. Hahahaha, and now look, I am a drug addict. She left without saying anything! These substances, helped me relieve the pain of being abandoned. They made me feel pleasure... they made me happy! But little do I know that these happy things, would bring me harm.

Mama... help me! Mama, I'm a victim... I was abused, I was raped, I was objectified, I was stripped of my rights by the people around me. And they kept saying.

"Your mother left you!"
"She doesn't love you anymore!"
"Bastard child!"

Bastard child... bastard child... bastard child! Do you know who the mother was? Do you? Do you? Do you?

It was me... it was me who left my child, my flesh and blood, to fend for herself. It was me! It was me! It was me! But if I could, I would give my child everything. Even if it means the entirety of my being. But I couldn't, because of this...

I am Attorney Patosa! A feared, respect, and well known lawyer. Every case I fight, is always a victory. Not that I am bragging, but it is somewhere around those lines. Every case I fight, is always a victory.

I was winning a case against a corrupted city mayor who molested an 11-year-old girl. I thought my fight was almost finished. Then, there was a shot. Thw last thing I remembered was the feeling of pain as the bullet pierces through my skin. My blood is gushing... everything turns black.

Lisa! Lisa! My child I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I left too early. I'm sorry if I couldn't guide you. I'm sorry if I couldn't help you.

Somebody! Somebody please help my child! Somebody please save my child! Somebody! Please, somebody!

I gave justice to the needy! But when it was my turn, where is my justice? Where is my justice? Where is my justice? Justice... justice... justice...

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