Chapter Two

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He manages to choke out. He hadn't spoke in so long, his throat felt scratchy. He was afraid the angel would run off because of it, so he didn't speak anymore. He just stared into Stephen's eyes.

Yet, he didn't run. He didn't do anything. He just smiled back to him. It made Jay's heart warm just the smallest bit.

"Thank you for cooperating. I'm going to ask you a few questions, and you, hopefully, will answer them." Stephen smiled once more, before he continued."Thank you for cooperating. I'm going to ask you a few questions, and you, hopefully, will answer them." Stephen smiled once more, before he continued." What brings you here?"

Jay looked up at him. Stephen's eyes glancing at the tan folder every now and again.

Jay sighs," I... I don't really know. No one ever told me."

Stephen nods, and scribbles something down on the paper." Have you ever been to a counselor before?"

Jay thinks backs to his childhood. The visions running in and out of his head, trying, even begging, for an answer for his angel.

After a minute or two, Jay looked back up at the angel's eyes. He finally shook his head when he realized he was waiting.

Stephen smiled," What do you think the problem is from your viewpoint?"

Jay cocked his to the side, giggling a bit." I don't really know.." he trailed off, scared of the angel being upset.

Stephen didn't write anything down this time." How does being here make you feel?"

Jay giggled," They're getting better now that you're here."

Stephen gave him a grin, moving onto the next question," Last for today, how would you describe your mood overall?"

Jay gave Stephen a little shake of the head before answering." It's a rollercoaster. But right now, it's at the highest."

Stephen gave him a big smile, before going to stand up," Thank you for answering, Jay."

Jay gave him a small smirk," Anytime for you, angel."

Stephen blushes and gives him a grin before leaving to inform the staff of his answers.

Jay expression dropped, he went back to staring at the ceiling and giggling to himself for the rest of the day.


A little anticlimactic at the end but eh, I tried :/

Also sorry it's a bit short—

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