Soda before the encounter

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Soda's POV

I have never been this bored in my life. I probably have before but I want to be dramatic right now. I just don't know what to do right now. Nothing seems entertaining. Huh I guess I haven't been to the library in a while. I been too focused on figuring out my gender, to go. Oh I don't think I got my library card renewed huh, I wonder where it is.

It should be somewhere around here, maybe in my drawer. It's a mess in there but I rather not fix it, it's not something I feel like doing right now. Let me see, junk, junk, maybe this no that's a gift card. Oh yay I found it, yeah it still says my old name "Dion" it was a cute name but it wasn't mine. I should probably go to renew today since I got nothing to do.

I should change if I want to go. I wouldn't want to go if I wasn't looking cute, like what if someone I know is there and I'm not prepared to be seen. Ok so I'm thinking my black turtleneck with, these funky pants yeah I like the multicolored stripes. I think these clunky black boots would look cute with this. Ok ready to go now.

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