Meeting Him

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"That I was being Watched..."

As I was walking around I kept hearing sounds of leaves crunching from behind me, so I  turned around but saw nothing so I just assumed it was nothing and continued on walking, It was so peaceful and Quiet I could still hear the waves crashing up against the Rocky shore and the wind blowing softly, and the birds singing softly, I have only been here a couple minutes and I was already in love with this place, but I came to a stop when I realized that every noice even the water crashing stopped, I felt a presence behind me, I  turned around slowly and saw a group of boys surrounded to by boy who looked to be their leader, ‘‘Well if it isn't a girl,” he said smirking
“Well isn't a group of creepy boys spying on a girl” I stated also with a smirk on my face but I had more sass than he thinks I do.“Well well well,boys the girl has got Fire, all of a sudden he was right up in my face and wispered and "I l like fire".
I rolled my eyes at the idiotic creepy boy and turned away trying to leave and enjoy a nice troll but I was stopped by him in front of me, "Move" I demanded getting annoyed, I didn't care who this  creep is but I just wanted a nice stroll through the woods.
“Where do you think you are going love,?”
"Don't call me that, and non of your business creep."
"Stop calling me that," he said "Names Peter Pan, but you can call me Pan, so what is your name?"
"Names Y/n, and you can call me nothing cause I am done talking to you."
As I were about to walk away again you was grabbed and knocked out, the last thing you remembered was hearing Pan say "Put Y/n here in the cage until she can watch the additude." And I was out cold.....
I was starting to wake up when i remembered where I was so I rose up quickly and looked around seeing you in a stupid Cage, Stupid Pan you mumbled
"Now that wasn't very nice"  I could hear the smirk plastered on his stupid face.
"Go away pan," I growled tired of his bullcrap already.
"Fine,I won't let you out whatever you want."
"Fine, it is quite comfy in here," I was not about to let him know how tight in here it felt and how it felt like the walls were caving in on me and how dark it was getting even though you know it was daylight outside.                                        (Yes I am a little clastrafobic). 
"Whatever,you want love,"
"Stop calling me love, you know I can't  stand it." I stated done with his child like behavior.
All of a sudden the cage was being lowered to the ground, "Why he is he letting me down?" I wondered
All of a sudden the cage thumped to the ground and he started unlocking the door and opened it was a smirk,
"Ma'lady, you first," So I did what any normal person would do.

the Beginning: Peter Pan X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now