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After dropping Avery off, Jae and Younghyun set out again with the beach in their minds. The sun was slowly dropping to the horizon, tinting the sky with a soft candy floss pink that faded into a periwinkle blue. Younghyun drove, one hand on the wheel and one hand holding Jae's and resting on the centre console.

Jae was staring out of the window as the road took them alongside the ocean, where the white tipped waves crested and flowed onto the sand with beautiful grace.

Suddenly the vehicle pulled to a stop as Younghyun rolled into the deserted car park.

The two got out and kicked off their shoes, holding them tight in their fists as they walked along the hot sand. Their feet sunk into it, gradually reaching the cooler grains hidden from the bright sun.

Speaking of the sun, the light it cast was now a bright orange, like a burning bonfire that pierced your eyes as you awaited the colourful fireworks.

After minutes or hours of walking, Jae and Younghyun dropped to the sand. They sat back on the heels of their hands next to each other and Jae leant his head on Younghyun's shoulder.

Almost in a daze, Younghyun twisted his neck and lightly kissed Jae's temple, "I love you, Jae," he murmured against the elders hair, briefly closing his eyes.

"I love you too - more than you could ever imagine." Jae replied quietly, reaching over to lace their hands together. The two of them looked up at the sunset, watching the sun sink over the ocean and disappear beyond the calming waves.

Everything was perfect - just as it should be.


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