Chapter 9

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Emily’s P.O.V

I woke up encased by Josh’s arms. I looked up at his face to see him smiling down at me. I rubbed my eyes and smiled back at him.

“Morning” He said to me kissing my forehead.

“Hello, how long have to been awake?”

“About half hour” He told me.

“Is anybody else awake?” I asked him trying to listen for voices outside.

“Nope. I haven’t heard anyone so just me and you” I nodded into his chest.

“Can we just stay here for a bit then?” I asked him and he nodded back. We lay there just listening to the birds outside. I can’t believe that today is the last day that we would be seeing each other in a long time. I really will miss Josh. I will miss all of them. Georgie will miss Matt exceptionally and will probably always moan about not seeing him.

“Josh I need your number so we can stay in touch” I told him and I went to get my phone to turn it on for the first time. He told me his number and I saved it to my phone. He grabbed his phone out of his jeans pocket and turned it on. Once his phone was on it beeped multiple timed signalling that were messages being received.  

“For God’s sake” Josh mumbled to himself.

“What’s wrong?” I asked him. He turned his phone around to show me his inbox which said “Lucy (52 unread).” She clearly wasn’t giving him up easily.

“Are you going to read them?” I asked him quietly trying not to wake the others up in the tent.

“No she’s out of my life now and I don’t want anything to do with her anymore” Josh clicked delete to the messages and then deleted her number. He passed me his phone and typed in my number. I quickly saved it and passed him his phone back.

“What shall we do then?” I asked him and he shrugged.

“Well I don’t want to get up yet so I’m staying right here until everyone else is up. Oh by the way how is the ankle” He asked. I twisted it and it didn’t feel too bad, although it did still hurt a little.

“It seems better, not great though” I told him.

“That’s good” He smiled at me. I snuggled back into his chest and I flash went off in my face.

“Josh what are you doing?” I asked him laughing.

“Can we take silly pictures? I want something to look at and remember you by until we’re finished tour.” I agreed and I looked up to his phone where he was about to take a photo. We did normal smiley ones at first then we started to do stupid ones where we would see who could pull the silliest face. They were hilarious.

“I really am going to miss you Josh” I told him. I kissed his cheek and felt the flash go off in my face. “You’re such a cheese Josh” He laughed and uploaded the photo to instagram with the caption “What a lovely thing to wake up to.”

“You do realise you’re going to get hundreds of teenage girls crying right now because it’s not them you’re waking up with.” I told him.

“Like I already said ‘everyone wants to kiss the Franceschi’” He replied making me laugh.

“And what if I don’t want to kiss you?”

“Well you’re just going to have to” He said as he rolled on top of me and started to place kisses all over my face.

“Josh stop it” I said between laughing. He finally stopped and stared at me with a smile on his face. He quickly kissed me again and rolled off me. I turned towards him and kissed his cheek.

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