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His name is Lukas. A boy who I never would have thought could be so funny and kind. I am pretty skeptical about our relationship and him regularly. Its funny though. We are completely opposites but we enjoy our little corny relationship. In ways we are alike.

Her name is Harmony. She really is a harmony. I think she is so cute in so many ways. She's hella mean sometimes though. I like her the most out of most people. She is my opposite but my twin. I wonder if he ever thinks about us like I think about us.

8th Grade
"So what's up with you and Lukas?" My friend Jade made her way up to me. Man was she nosy and wanted to know everything. Well she wasn't nosy nosy but she wanted to much information.

"Nothing... We're just best friends. That's all to it!" I laughed lowly at the false statement I made. I mean, we are just friends..

"Nah there has to be more to it. Like even if you guys just started talking like 2 weeks ago, when y'all talk to each, y'all smile so much.." Jade smirked a little and I looked away. So maybe if I do have a crush on him, why should that matter. I mean we can only be no more then friends.

"Okay so maybe I started to catch feelings but look, we in 8th grade bruh. What about you and Timmy? Jimmy?"

Now she blushed. "His name is Shawn! Get it correct."

"Crackhead Shawn..." I mumbled quietly but she heard. We just shared a laugh as we sat at our lunch table.

"Hey, here comes Lukas now! Oh and with Lisa. Ew." I turned around and Lisa glared over at me. I just wore my simple smirk I always wore when I knew someone was jealous of me. It was annoying but it's a sad life they're living.

"Oh and its Naomi!!" Jade grinned. Naomi, our short Chinese friend made her way over to us. Naomi was my favorite. She was so feisty but so nice and she was strong as hell.

"Harmony! Jade! Guess the fuck what?" Naomi cursed without a care in the world. Of course, I know better then to curse but it was obvious everyone else didn't...

Badass kids... I know I'm a hypocrite too!

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