Untitled Part 9

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                                   CHAPTER 16

John attended the Sunday mass. He was still unaware of the news regarding the tragic incident at Havemore. As usual he participated in the Thanks Giving prayers. He had asked for his forgiveness for the greed for money which was becoming stronger than his conscience. During the prayers, he got an urge to do something good for the society. However this urge to do anything good for the society lasted only for a very short time. Sins and evil thoughts which had become part of his life easily suppressed the desire to do any good. He felt that confession of sins and subsequent prayers for forgiveness were an indemnity for him to commit more and bigger sins.

In the evening, John learnt the news that someone had delivered Rock salt in the kitchen of Havemore. But as per the police investigations the Rock salt was nothing but marijuana. An abuse of this drug had resulted in the death of a young Chinese designer Lee. The police were trying to find the identity of the man who had delivered the drugs. John knew the truth now. He had been used by Roderik in committing this heinous crime. It also confirmed Nina's curiosity of the peculiar stale smell which she had noticed in his car.

John deliberated upon the precarious situation, and concluded, not to inform anything to the police. Let the police be happy with their half truth. He further made up his mind that on his next visit to the church he would confess for this sin and pray for His forgiveness. At the same time he wondered whether God would forgive him and take his sins upon Himself.

Roderik was quite perturbed on hearing the news of Havemore and the death of Chinese entrepreneur from an overdose of marijuana. He desperately tried to locate John, but in vain, as John had switched of his cell phone before going to the Church and forgot to switch it on afterwards. Roderik could take further course of action only after getting first hand information from John. He wondered whether John had been detained by the police for questioning. Roderik thought that since John was a complete novice so it would not be difficult for the cops to make him spill the beans. Roderik could not afford to have cops coming to his place. He called his lawyers and closed his office. He also abandoned the so called AB Enterprises. As a second step, he called Bery to collect the loan money and return the mortgage and security papers which were in his possession.

Soon, Roderik would have a new identity as proprietor of Delta Enterprises, operating from a new location. A B Enterprises was closed for ever, except for John.

Poor John knew only half the truth. He still thought himself to be Manager Liaison, A B Enterprises.

Meanwhile, Roderik got clear instructions from the underworld king that the messenger 'M ONE TWO THREE' and the car BHIR 775 be removed permanently and better be eliminated once for all. There was no question of taking any chances. Roderik again tried John's number but of no use. Wondering whether John was such a fool so as not to appreciate the gravity of the situation, or was it that he never heard news.

On Monday while proceeding towards his office, John was floating in a different world altogether as he was lost in the thoughts of Nina. He got shock of his life when he reached the premises of A B Enterprises. There were no signboards. The office lay closed and sealed with lot of dust around, as if it had been lying closed for months together. Roderik knew how to bury the 'fly by night companies'. By impulse, he took out his cell phone to call Roderik. The phone number did not exist. Before John could think of anything, some guy pushed him out of his car and drove away. In about two hour's time, news of an accident was being announced on the radio:

'A car bearing the number plate BHIR 775 has exploded up-country near the lake. There was no occupant in the car but number plate was clearly discernible. It appears the fuel line has leaked leading to the fire and subsequent explosion. The police have registered this incident as pure out accident case.'

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