Zero Kiryu X Reader

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                            (Your POV)

 You are a new student to cross academy, you have joined the day class the first person you meet is Yuki Cross adopted daughter of the Headmaster. You become instant friends, she introduces you to Zero when he walks by and Yuki grabbed him. "Zero meet the new student (y/n)" "oh... sorry wasn't paying attention" Zero looks at you, you feel your cheeks heat up.

"Hello (y/n), I like your name it sounds beautiful" "th-thank you" you get embarassed thinking you look foolish, red faced and stuttering. You look in his violet eyes and feel trapped but... you like it. He smiles and you feel your face heat up so much it feels like it will explode. "Lets go (y/n) don't want to be late for class, you too Zero lets go"

You all walk in silence to class until Zero opens the door for you "thank you Zero" "th-thank you Z-zero hehe sorry I don't studder often..." "its ok your not used to the school maybe later I'll give you a tour" "I-I'd like that thanks." You beam up at him, then you look up at him you at first didn't even notice but he's so tall.

After class...

"Hey (y/n) ready for your tour?" "yes, lets go!" He starts walking to these huge buildings. "These are the dorms" he points to two of the dorms "these are for the day class on the left is for boys the girls is on the right" then he walked to another set of dorms "this is for the night class the boys are on the right girls on the left.

You lean in and whisper in his ear "I know what the nightclass and you are...Zero I know but... no one else knows I know except now you" Then you back up and talk normal "I'm going to tell the headmaster and request to join the disiplinary comitee... if you'll have me." "Of course I could use your help we can go see him now" He grabbs your arm and pulls a bit.

You both make it to the headmasters office. Zero barges in "Headmaster I and (y/n) need to talk to you." The Headmaster walks over and says "come in welcome to our academy (y/n)" "uh thank you Headmaster Cross." "Headmaster she knows of the night class and myself she requests to become a guardian!" "I didn't expect that... ok she can" he went behind his desk grabbed an armband the same as Zero's and handed it to you.

Zero takes it leans down to your arm and puts the armband on your arm. You feel him so close so you can't help but blush. "I'm going to find Yuki bye" "bye (y/n)." You didn't really leave you hid behind the door and listened. "Hahaha" "why are you laughing?" "(y/n) has a crush on you."

"B-but that's absurd" "how so?" "I'm not the type girls like..." "Not so, if she likes you." You back away and run to Yuki. You find her in the room she shares with Yori "Yuki I have exciting news" "what is it?" She walked over to you "I'm a guardian now to!" "*gasp* GREAT NEWS I'M SO HAPPY!!!" You girls hug and bounce around for a little while until you hear a knock on the door.

"Yuki (y/n) Zero is outside wanting to talk to you" "ok thanks for telling us class rep" you say in unison then giggling because of it. You girls fix your hair then go out to talk to him. He is standing there looking so out of place amongst the setting. You can't keep your eyes away from him he has such an alluring aura about him.

You both walk to him "Its time to go, go to the moon dormitories." We all walked to the moon dorms together and stood guard. A throng of day class girls were trying to brake us up to move forward, just as you helped Zero and Yuki push them back you heard a loud creak, the gate opened.

The pureblood Kaname you had met a long time ago walked out first and when he did Yuki blushed. "Kaname?" "(y/n) its been a long time "indeed it has" You stand there and say "as you see I'm new here, i must say its a beautiful place..." "ts peaceful for the most part haha and yes its very beautiful" When he said that you watch his eyes move to Yuki, you see the slight lonliness and pain in his eyes, but he also looks happy. "Hehe yeah and ok hurry you guys these girls and some few guys are hard to handle" -(Background noise was almost defening)- "ok we will."

Zero Kiryu X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now