Accepting The Pain

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Juvia stared at the door as she waited for Gray to come through it. She sighed as she looked at her untouched dinner in front of her and then she glanced at the plate across from hers. She had even made his favorite meal tonight, hoping that maybe he would come home. She chuckled dryly at her situation. Why was she even sitting here waiting? She knew he would be out late, as he had been ever since that day.

It seemed like no matter where she ended up she was always unhappy in the end. She dumped her plate of food in the trash, as she had lost her appetite long ago. She carefully wrapped up Gray's plate with foil and left it on the table. She trudged upstairs and curled herself up on the bed, which she shared with Gray. She could still smell the scent of oakmoss and pinewood on his pillow. Juvia soon sat up with a start when she heard a loud knock on her door. She jumped off her bed in a heartbeat, even tripping over her bedsheets. She whipped open the door, panting, as she took in the worried face of Lucy Heartfilia. Juvia sighed. She didn't want to have this conversation right now.

"Juvia! You finally opened the door for me! Usually I have to talk through the door..." Lucy trailed off as she took in Juvia's appearance.

Juvia had looked like she hadn't slept in weeks and her eyes looked red and puffy from crying. Her blue hair was a tangled mess.

"Juvia...thought you were someone else..."

Lucy smiled and embraced her tightly.

"Thank goodness you're okay, Juvia. Everyone has been so worried about you and Gray. Even Gajeel has said he stops by a lot, but you never open the door for him."

Juvia looked away guiltily. She missed everyone so much at the guild, but she couldn't go back. Not in the condition she was in emotionally.

"Can I come in Juvia? I'll only be here for a little while I promise!"Lucy pleaded.

Juvia glanced at the floor nervously, while Lucy held her breath.

"Yes... Juvia will talk with you." Juvia reluctantly said.

She opened the door wider and let Lucy in. The house was sparkling clean, with everything in its place. Even the wooden crib painted blue in the living room was still there, untouched. It was pitiful and Lucy felt tears forming in her eyes at the sight.

Lucy took a seat on the couch while Juvia took a seat across from her. It was deafeningly quiet as Lucy thought about what she could possibly say to Juvia for her to understand, and convince her to come to the guild again, or at least get out of the house. But what came to Lucy's mind first was a question she was scared to know the answer to.

" When was the last time Gray came back?" Lucy asked.

Juvia was already prepared for that question.

"Three days ago.."Juvia solemnly stated.

Lucy felt worry and pity well up in the bottom of her stomach.

"Where is he now?" Lucy asked.

"How should Juvia know? The last time he came to the house he said he was going drinking. And he...never came back. Just like that time.."

Juvia had lifeless eyes as she said this and Lucy was afraid she was never going to be the same again. She felt pity for Juvia and anger towards Gray. How could he do this to her, and she was suffering with the loss as well?

Lucy gripped Juvia's pale hands in hers and looked in her eyes.

"Juvia, you need to come with me. You can't stay in this place day after day alone! You might just break if you continue this way." Lucy pleaded.

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