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Guess life really is short, isn't it?
Though nobody really notices it, until the end actually arrives to take you away. This, however, was different.
You see, I was never real to begin with. But for one specific boy I was, at least for the longest time.

Henry Anderson.
The boy who brought me to life.
The boy who I thought would be my friend, forever. But I guess nothing really is forever, is it?

I stood at the window, looking down to see him and his friends trying to hit a piñata that was hanging from a tree. The tree where he and I used to sit to watch the night sky, trying to spot different constellations.

Today was his 13th birthday and of course I was happy for him. But I also feared for what was yet to come.

He was older now.
He was starting to stop believing.
It started with the tooth fairy, then the Easter bunny and then Santa.
I was fine with all of these, since they were only something parents would come up with to brighten their children's childhood. But now he was starting to doubt even my existence and that meant that my time has come.

'Imaginary friends come and go.'
Yes, they do. Just like any other living being. But nobody wants to go with the thought that no one will remember them, mourn for them.

Every adult probably still thinks about that one imaginary friend they had a long time ago. But they will brush it off as a part of the silly child's mind, forgetting about them eventually. Everyone will do so, meaning so will Henry.

The clouds, that were blocking the sun until this very moment, let the light shine over the town. I lifted my hand to protect my eyes from the brightness, though it was no use. The sun seemed to shine right through it; I slowly started to fade away.

My heart sunk in my chest.
"I guess it's time." I whispered, taking one last look at my once best friend. He was looking up, a bright smile spread across his face. For a second our eyes met and my expression of sadness got replaced with hope, though I realized that his seemed to look right through me.

He would surely grow up to be a successful man with a happy family, either a husband or a wife and children of his own. It was such a shame that I shan't ever be a part of all of this. I took one last breath and closed my eyes, feeling myself slowly dissolve more and more. The imagine of his smiling face was burned into my mind and I was glad about that; I left the world remembering him being happy and I could have never wished for more than that

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2020 ⏰

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