Chapter 7 { Stalking Claims }

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Sesshomaru sat in complete silence as his father conversed with a business associate he had known since he had started college. It had been two weeks since the Alpha demon had strongly suggested his son start looking for a potential bride and Sesshomaru was thankful that an engagement hadn’t been settled on. Amber eyes slowly looked to the female demon who sat in front of him. Kagura he believed her name was. His father had allowed him a choice of his own to court and he had stooped so low as to ask his hanyou colleague Naraku for his help. The hanyou had so easily offered up his half-sister and Sesshomaru reluctantly accepted.

She was sipping her tea at the moment, dutifully remaining quiet and benevolent. She looked up and smiled at him and Sesshomaru’s face remained placid. His father was soon turning to her and holding out his cup, which she obediently refilled with tea with that damned smile.

“Kagura you are an absolute delight to have as company.” His father was saying and Kagura smiled coquettishly, her head bowed modestly.

“You flatter me, Tsukino-san.” She said as if she was bashful; it took every ounce and will that Sesshomaru had to not roll his eyes.

“And how has my son been treating you?” His father was asking her.

Near identical golden eyes were soon staring off and Sesshomaru silenced the growl that started rumbling in his chest.

“Sesshomaru-kun is quite the flatterer, Tsukino-san.” She said with a light giggle, before she was looking up at her possibly intended. Gold eyes locked with near blood red and Sesshomaru suddenly wondered if any of this was a good idea. “I believe he will treat me quite well; as a bride should be treated.”

As his father gave out a victorious laugh, his colleague raised his sake cup in celebration. Sesshomaru was standing before his father could request further information, the entire room looking at him with various facial expressions.

“Kagura-san.” He stated, walking away without bothering to see if she would follow. “A word.”

His father watched him leave with a frown fitted on his face, but Kagura merely smiled a gentle smile of reassurance before gracefully standing and following after the courting male demon.

Once they were out in the hall and far enough away that they couldn’t be over heard, Sesshomaru spun to fix her with an icy gaze which was impossibly lit with fiery anger.

“The agreement was that you would help me by playing the part of a female youkai who I was merely courting.”

“That is true, Sesshomaru-san.”

“Then what gives you the right to make announcements of things I do not intend to have happen?” The words were clipped and sharp, but Kagura was unfazed.

She merely gave him a smile that had him wanting to rip her face apart. He should have known that the spider hanyou’s half -sister would be as devious as Naraku himself. He had brought Naraku on as one of his many partners merely because in the business world, you often needed someone of the hanyou’s particular style of business, however, he did not need this in his life.

“Do you really think courting me for weeks on end would have satisfied your father’s wishes for long?” She asked him. “Your father would eventually begin questioning your intentions and when you failed to move past courtship, he would be offering you more available, willing females. I believe that you have no interest in the intricacies of courting and marriage, which is why you came to my brother for help. However, I did not agree on my brother’s behalf. I agreed because I have my own strategy to gain what want. And that, Sesshomaru-kun, is a husband of esteem, status, money and power. I have found that in you and I do believe in tit for tat, my dear Sesshomaru. I scratch your back and you scratch mine.”

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