Let's turn forever [2-D x Reader] part 8 chap 3

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When you woke up from last night you woke up next to 2-D and he was hugging your waist. You were so close to him and both of you were naked but 2-D had some pink underwear on. You snuck out of his arms and got dressed. you looked at your hand and saw a ring you smiled nearly cried. The thought of you being his wife was overwhelming and to think he was loyal for all this time. A few tears slipped and before you left his room you kissed his lips and he kissed back even though he was still asleep. You left and ran into Murdoc into the halls. "What are you doing up its 5 In the morning?" You said to Murdoc in a concerned voice. "Just setting a interview up... By the way the marriage thing was a huge success! We need you to start making posters for the band fast! Our merch is running out so fast we need more stuff." He said happily. You hugged him "that's great I'll be right on it!" You kissed his cheek and realeased from the hug. "By the way about the El Mañana video when are we going to shoot it?" You said happily. "In 3 weeks" Murdoc said. "We will go back to the feel good inc and shoot from there." He said in a crazed voice. You laughed a bit. "Can't wait I'll get started on the posters. "

2-D had just woken up and it was now 3 PM you were dead. By that I mean that you were tired. "ey love!" He walked up to you and kissed your lips gently. You smiled as you opened your eyes. "Hi love" you said. "Did you know about the new video we are shooting in 3 weeks?" You asked a bit hyper but still dead. "No I haven't heard (f/n)" He said. You filled him in the info then you passed out and 2-D took care of you since you were only on the table. You woke up after 5 mins from a loud banging on the door. It was no other than your ex you turned on the screen and he said "I'm going to kick his ass LET ME IN!". You were calm and said "GO TO HELL OR ILL SEND YOU THERE." He stood out there but after a hour he left. When you went back to 2-D you said. "I want to get married. Before the video..." He spit his juice out. "OF COU'SE LOVE!!" He was so happy he hugged you so tight. You couldn't breath. You asked noodle to marry you both and she happily agreed. It wasn't strange she knew how to marry people it. Was just one of her talents she had always possessed. You both planned to get married in 2 weeks.

~two weeks later~

You had got your dress ready and every thing was ready you and 2-D were as happy than ever especially nervous. But over all happy. It was the day of the wedding and well hell you were happy. you guys had to get married out side since Murdoc couldn't go in a church. Anyways the two other members of the band were in the front. Your parents also were and stu's parents too. When you walked down to were 2-D was with your father you felt so happy you wanted to explode. They showed the footage when 2-D proposed to you. You almost burst out crying. But you kept it in. After noodle finished that whole speech she asked "do you take Stuart Pot to be your husband through health, through sickness, through poverty, trough wealth? "I Do" you said. Then she asked 2-D "do you take [f/n] [l/n] to be your wife through health, through sickness, through poverty, trough wealth?. "I do" he said. She said "does anyone object to this couple? Say now or forever hold your peace..." No one said anything "I now pronounce you man and wife you may now kiss the bride." She said in a goofy smile. Hell you attacked his lips. After the wedding you were both at kong. And getting ready for the El Mañana video which was next week. You were in your normal clothes and so was everyone. You said to 2-D in a serious voice "I have a bad feeling about this video something bad is going to happen too noodle. I don't know what but something bad is going to happen..." You burst out crying and ran to noodle and hugged her "noodle promise me you will be okay at the video." You said crying. "I will don't worry if anything happens well just know it won't be the last of me " for the rest of that week you slept in noodles room in your old bed.

~El Mañana shooting~

It started out with noodle having a memory of you and 2-D hugging her and she opened her eye and it was going normal till the helicopters came in you and 2-D were looking out the window and then it came to a video of you and 2-D singing and crying the song. Then back to the video. The helicopters started to shoot your eyes widened and you got a sniper rifle. Then the next part was of noodle hiding and you were shorting at the helicopters but kept missing till you brought one down you knew it was too late the island was coming down. You cried into 2-Ds chest and the last you saw was noodle falling to her death. And the last. Frame was of you crying. It was no longer a video. You worried for noodle. You left to see Murdoc "NOODLE SHE DIED MURDOC GET UP YOU BASTERD!" You said crying. "Don't worry about her..." He said

~at her "funeral"~

You and 2-D were crying russle was also crying. But it hurt the most to you since she was your daughter, your second mother and your life... Murdoc was sitting their emotionless and he finally said something but it wasn't what you wanted to hear... He said to you in a grim voice "we are going to have to split up..." You had an expression as if you had just gotten shot. You ran out of their and went to kong. Everyone went to kong. And they packet their stuff up and left but it was harder to leave 2-D. He was your husband and well you couldn't take him back to the U.S so all you said to him was "Stuart pot I love you... You know my number call me everyday. We will be together again one day" he burst out crying and kissed you. "I don't want to leave you... I love you too much..." He whispered. "We can leave this band and have kids... Have everything we want we can have a-" you cut him off. "Look I want that but you just can't you want to be in danger..." You said holding his hands. "I don't want to leave you... Just know that I will be with you. Call me, video chat with me, anything. All I know is that she told me that it won't be the last we see of her. But It all just happened so fast one minute she's with us then the next she's gone I tried to stop them. I saw too late..." You fell to your knees and cried. "I'm too weak..." You closed your eyes and saw something pink like a island. You got up quick and grabbed 2-Ds shirt. "PLASTIC BEACH" you yelled in insanity then laughed you were traumatized. "I'll kill them all there... I know I will" you laughed like you were insane. Murdoc and russle knew you were tramituzied Which you now were. You hugged 2-D, Murdoc and russle. "Please take care all of you guys. And 2-D I'll call you when I get to the U.S." The band said goodbye to you and You smiled so insane. "I'll see you at plastic beach!!!" You left with all your stuff and drove away an said to kong studios "I'll miss you.." You cried a bit. "I love you kong studios bye..." You left and 2-D cried when you left. "Why did this happen... What does she mean by plastic beach? The hell does that mean. I know it means so something...." After a hour you left the band left kong and it was now deserted. It was there for years waiting for someone to take it....


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2015 ⏰

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Let's turn forever [2-D x Reader] part 8 chap 3Where stories live. Discover now