Chapter 1 - Running away from that stupid Tomato Bastard

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(Romano's p.o.v.)  

     Romano (a.k.a. South Italy / Lovino Vargas) ran into the forest with his cloak covering him and his satchel banging against his back. Once he lost sight of the house, he slowed down and started hitting and kicking random trees. "Stupid, fucking Tomato Bastard! How dare he say that to me?! Why does everyone compare me to that pasta loving idiota? I know that I'm not as talented...or..nice, but...." Romano feels tears sting his eyes and he sits against a nearby tree. "Why, Toni..? I thought that you cared about me..." (A/N - Spain's human name is Antonio Carriedo) As Roma sat under the tree, he heard rain start to fall. He let out a sob and hid his face against his knees.

-Earlier-  (No one's p.o.v.)

     Spain and Romano are in the kitchen, yelling at each other. "I don't give a damn if you don't like him, Romano! He's an important military embassador from possible allies!" Spain shouted, angrily.

    "He was suspicious! He was creeping around the house and he kept staring at me..." Romano complained.

    Spain gives an annoyed sigh. "He was just curious and you were constantly staring at him, too. You can't antagonize every person who walks in my door, Lovino."

     "You're way too trusting, Espana! The guy just showed up, unannounced, claiming to be an embassador from a country that you just sent a letter to, yesterday!"

     "My government decisions are none of your business. Why can't you learn to be nice to people like your brother?!" Romano looked at him in surprise, which quickly turned to hurt and anger. Spain immediately regretted saying that and reached towards him. "Lovi, I-" Romano slapped his hand away and ran past Spain to his room. "Lovino, wait!" Romano slammed his door shut and Spain swore in his native language. Then Spain sighed and went to write a letter to be sent by swallow to his men.

     Meanwhile, Romano is angrily throwing stuff into his satchel and mumbling angrily in Italian. "If that stupid tomato bastard doesn't want me around, then I won't be around anymore..." He threw on his cloak and his satchel, and then opened his window. He looked back for a moment, but then angrily wiped away his tears and climbed through his window.


     Romano sat curled up against the tree, which provided a little shelter from the pouring rain, and thought about the idiot that he loved so much. "Why do I always manage to make people hate me..? Why can't I just vanish forever? No one would miss me..." Romano sniffed and wrapped his cloak around himself, tighter to protect himself from the cold and rain.

     Suddenly, Romano heard what sounded like footsteps coming towards him. He stood up, looking around the dark woods. "Antonio..? Is that you?" The footsteps stopped, then and Romano looked around for the source. "Toni? Where are you?!" He searched around for the Spaniard, but couldn't find him. All of a sudden, a pair of large, strong hands snatched him and lifted him up off the ground. Romano gasped in surprise and struggled, but the man who was holding him just laughed. "Well, what do we have, here?" Said a voice with a thick Turkish accent.

He loves me? He loves me not..? - Spamano FanficWhere stories live. Discover now