Love me, you stupid bastard!

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(A/N) Hey, worst title ever. Anyways, sorry that this took so long. I've been busy with RL stuff. Plus I pre-write all of my stuff so that I can give you slightly better fan fics than some of the ones that I've read. I've also been working on a really long prucan one-shot so no super long updates (yay!) So, this is the last chapter of this fan fic unless I decide to do an mpreg (because I can :P) Vote if you want me to do an mpreg or leave a suggestion if you have an idea that you want me to do. (Not necessarily this pairing) If I like it, then I'll write it.
**WARNING: LEMON CHAPTER   Don't like, don't read. You have been warned.

(Romano's p.o.v.)

   Romano woke up to a bright, sunlit room that he recognized as his own. He sat up in bed and looked around in confusion. How did I get here? Was it all a dream? He looked down at himself and saw that he had bandages on his wrists and faded bruises on his arms. How long was he asleep? He then heard something from the kitchen and carefully stood up. His legs were shaky from lack of use, but he needed to move.

    He stumbled downstairs to the kitchen and stopped in the doorway. Spain was at the counter with his back to Romano, chopping tomatoes. "S-spain..?" He squeaked. Spain turned around and saw Romano standing in the doorway.

     He puts down the knife and walks towards Romano. "Holla, Lovi. How are you feeling?" Romano stared at him like he's seen a ghost and doesn't say anything. Spain moved towards him a little more slowly with his hand out towards him. "Lovi? You're safe, now. It's ok... I promise that I'll keep you safe." Romano suddenly sobbed and threw himself at Spain, burying his face in the Spaniard's chest.

     "I thought that you were dead, you bastard!" He sobbed.

      Spain smiled sadly and hugged Romano. "I'm so sorry, Lovi. I wish that you didn't have to go through that. You're safe now, and I'm here" Spain softly pets his hair and Romano slowly calmed down.

     Romano sniffed and looked up at Spain. "I'm really hungry..."

     Spain nodded. "I'll make you some breakfast. You just go sit down and rest, okay?" Romano nodded and sat down at the table while Spain cooked him a tomato and mozzarella omelet.

     Romano stared out the window at the beautiful Spanish countryside. "Spain? How long have I been...gone?"

     Spain sighed as he added ingredients to the pan. "You were taken three weeks ago, and we rescued you four days ago. You've been asleep since then." Spain slid the finished omelet out of the pan, onto a plate. "I was afraid that we were too late, at first. You were so weak and frail, but then you responded to medical treatment very quickly." Spain brought Romano the omelet and sat down next to him. "I've kept Feliciano updated on this. He knows that you're safe and healing."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2014 ⏰

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He loves me? He loves me not..? - Spamano FanficWhere stories live. Discover now