The new house

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Creepy music to help the mood a little.😅

To day is exactly a week since me and my mom have moved here in this old house, my mom loves it and I dont know why. At night I here noises that sound like grumbling, scratching, and meowing but me and my mom dont have a cat.

Every night it gets louder to the point I dont sleep anymore. Im only 6 and my mom's 23 my mom had me at a young age, thats why we moved grandma didn't want to take care of us anymore.

"Mom it's time for my bed time." I tell her. "Oh sorry sweetie mommy's on the phone can you get it your meds yourself? Your a big girl now." My mom's not the best at parenting I know that but I love her anyways. "Ok mom goodnight!" "Yah uh-huh goodnigh." She said as I waddle over to the cabinet to get the pills.

As I clim the shelf I see a little boy and a cat in the corner of the room and I accidentally fall." Hello is anyone there?" I here nothing so I get back up but notice my leg has a cut so I walk into the bathroom. This room is creepy the tub's water runs on its own sometimes. I quickly clean up and run to my room passing a woman I assumed was my mom but wasn't and go to bed forgetting to take my medicine.

I open my eyes and its dark and I think I see a woman in the top corner of my room. "Mom mom please hurry I think I see someone in the house!" I here footsteps coming to my room. Boom the door flies open. "What is it Emma are you hurt?" I just shake my head no. "Then what we're you screaming about?" A creepy woman is in the room with us." I tell her to scared to move. "Where?" She asks. "There..." I say as I pointing to the corner of the room.

No one's prov

The mother gets up and walks to the corner and looks around. " see there's nothing in here?" Next thing she heres is a cracking sound and looks up to see long black hair serounding a womans face. "Ahhhhh!" She screems as it picks her up into the dark top corner of the room.

"Mommy!" Emma screems as well and runs out the room down the stairs and tries to open the door but it's locked. The woman crawls down the stairs slowly making her way over to the little girl to the point she's right in her face. A cat goes between Emma's legs startling her and all you here is her sceam.

The end.

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