the fight and a meeting

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It was just a regular accident, after all you were clumsy being malnourished definitely didn't help simply put a car randomly came flying at you one time that you were going through a trash can in hopes for scraps,  you dodged but not in time for some shrapnel to wack into you, cutting open your hand and sending you flying backwards into a wall, the world sounding like it was underwater as the pain became as unbearable as the shock as you weren't able to remember how to move for a split second.

Laying on a wall wouldn't do you much good you thought to yourself as you stumbled out of the ally way to search for help, your eyes were met by a battle going on between a supernatural person and some sort of huge monster or mutant that looked almost beaten.

One place that the mutant seemed to be hiding was it's back, heck you had watched plenty of movies where the villain always had a weakness to know what to do, even though you were still in pain you grab a trash can lid and throw it like a Frisbee at the creature, bad move, this only diverts it's attention on you, that thick skin did look tough as it began to dart after you.

With no escape through the fence at the back of the ally way you grab a nearby section of pipe and close your eyes reader to strike, standing there expecting the creature to come near, however it never seems to.

Slowly you open your eyes as the ally way lit "hey kid, thanks for the help, gave me the chance to take it out once and for all" You hear a lady's voice speak "seriously you can chill, unless your planning to bat a ball with that pipe" The lady says, your eyes still fixed on her and realising that your still prepared to fight the mutant you drop the pipe, it hits the ground with a loud clang and you back away into a corner, frightened that someone from the authority had found you, a scared look coming over your face, all pain forgotten.

"Hey kid I didn't mean to scare you" The lady says as she lands and the light show around her stops "why are you out alone anyway?" She asks reaching a hand towards you, you turn away  "not one for contact huh?" She says, reminding you of your own mother, you'd always been the more shy type, not really mixing with others,  after thinking for a short while, you take the women's outstretched hand, using the hand with the gash in and you hiss in pain "you ok kid, you look pretty beat up" She asks as she helps you up and you look at your now blood drenched hand "I'll survive I guess, better get this sorted I guess" You say showing her your hand.

She goes quite for a moment before coming up with a idea "I have got this power that I normally use to slice through metal and other hard objects, if I tone it down a notch I could cauterize the gash to stop the bleeding, I mean only if you want" She suggests, you still looking at your hand.

You think about it, not fond of passing out due to blood loss "will it hurt?" You ask "it is pretty painful, most people bite down on something or just scream until it's over, it is worse when they struggle" She says as she flames up a hand and you make your final decision "I'll do it" You say as she focuses on turning the heat down before walking up to you again and taking your hand with her hand that isn't flaming, squeezing slightly "ill do it in bursts, ready?"

You take a breath nodding as she put her hand over your wound and you scream out at the pain of the wound being burnt "try not to tense up, it'll be over soon" She says moving her hand away giving you a moment to catch your breath before she puts her hand back, the painful bursts continue a few times before the wound has stopped bleeding.

Feeling a little light headed you sit down again "yeh that happened to me one time, after the first few times the pain just dies down" She says sitting beside you on the ground "what's a kid your age doing around here alone anyway?" She questions playing with a random stick "after the snap I just ran away, even though everyone is probably worried sick now they've returned, I just can't go back to being some school girl like everything is okay" You say a tear rolling down your cheek "how am I supposed to go back to being so normal after everything I've seen and done" You say as the kind woman pulls you in for a hug "sometimes going back to being who you used to be is harder than being someone completely different, you just need a push in the right direction" she says, rubbing circles in your back.

"Why not embrace the person that you are now I could help if you want, I mean you can't go around throwing bin lids in a actual fight, that's captain americas job" She says making you giggle a little "I have nothing more to loose" You say, standing up to start walking before being lifted up "flying is faster than walking" She says "I forgot to mention, my name is Carol Danvers or better known as Captain Marvel, " She says and you respond with in a slightly surprised tone "I'm y/n l/n

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2019 ⏰

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