The Introduction

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Hello. My name is Rosa, and I will only go by Rosa. (I forgot her name rawr) I live in Karakura, Japan. I'm 25 years young, and my occupation consists of being a K-POP Idol and a College Professor. Now, about the Idol thing. I am the leader of our local K-POP group. I am the hottest- obviously, which means I require all men's attention at all times. Specifically, men, I am not a pedophile. And all MEN give me their attention as they are immediately attracted to me as soon as they pop out of their beloved mother. Then I usually go for their divorced father and become their step-mother... But only if I'm bored and have nothing to do.

I know I love talking about how MEN are attracted to me, but there is only ONE MAN I love. His name... It's a hot name, be prepared... Gustavo. I will only settle for him or divorced single fathers. But mostly him. He is so dreamy... his eyes, his hair, his amazing glasses. Everything about him is a girl's dream- Specifically MY dream. Now, as hot and confident as I am, I still get shy around him... I mean, he is my CRUSH! Kids get flushed around their crush too... Yeah, adults can have crushes you absolute idiot.

But, that's mostly all there is for me. 

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