Chapter 1: plastic plant >:(

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I was walking through the hallway at Karakura High- which is also merged with Karakura College.. why? I don't know. It's probably because they're cheap or something. As I watched the small crowds of anti-social students clumping together probably talking about their My Little Pony characters, I immediately recognized someone in the crowd. Gustavo- But before I could do anything longer, I saw him turn to walk to me. "Oh gosh!" I thought, and my instincts quickly tolled me to do a ninja roll behind some dumb plastic plant. So I did- I swooped around, obviously grabbing the attention of the bronies, depressed school staff, and the hot Gustavo- put everyone to silence. It was as if the only thing you could hear in the room was my trembles...

As I was crouching behind the plant, My fat ass tipped it over- knocking out all of the most likely fake dirt out of the cheap plastic pot, So now all you could really see if you were there was a College Professor hiding behind a mess of cheap dirt and a fake plant. Gustavo walked over to me- "Ma'am? Are you okay??" He exclaimed. His voice made my heart pound. "W-what?! No!! I am NOT okay, my thick ass just made a mess-" I replied in a rushed tone, covering my mouth mid-sentence with my trembling hand... "Wow. I am so quirky" I thought to myself.

He offered a helping hand to me... "Need some help?" He said to me in an oddly confused tone. I quickly pushed his hand away. "No! I am a strong, independent woman who can do things for myself.." I told him off in an angry tone. "Woah, okay boomer.." He'd say back to me- a bit ticked off. "Boomer?" I thought to myself. "Isn't this man like 40? Why is he at this school?" I continued my thoughts.

Later after I got home, I hopped into bed and turned on my favorite T.V show. Bubble Guppies. As I was thinking to myself while watching Bubble Guppies and reading my favorite #Noona fanfiction, I remembered that now my ultimate man crush Gustavo must hate me. He called me a BOOMER! What will I do? So I decided that I'd cry myself to sleep like always and start a fresh day in the morning. Unless I get fired for tipping over that dumb plant.

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⏰ Última actualización: Nov 06, 2019 ⏰

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