A Little Less Lonely (creek)

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The door shut tight behind the blonde male with a loud thud. He immediately went into his closet, hiding there. He tried to keep quiet, holding back his choking sobs. They came out anyway, and suddenly he was bunched up in the corner with his knees to his chest, shaking and sobbing loudly into his legs. It was like that for a while, just him there and the sound of his crying.

A few minutes later, the closet door cracked open slightly, letting light flow in. The blonde pressed himself closer into the corner. He heard a sigh, and then a quiet thud as someone sat next to him. Then there were warm, welcoming arms wrapping around him and pulling his close, tight to the strangers chest.

The small male, Tweek, lifted his head and looked at whoever was embracing him: Craig, the completely stotic male who didnt seem to give a shit other than red racer and his Guinea pig. Of course he also cared a lot for tweek, but completely oblivious and paranoid, tweek never realized this.

For a second, the tightness in his chest and throat was gone, allowing him to take deep breaths. Tweek tried to say something, but only let out a choking sound. He was quickly, but calmly, sushed. Finger's reached into his hair, calmly rubbing his scalp. Tweek loved this, and usually it calmed him better than anything. Craig knew this fact about him, and often used it to his advantage.

Tweek focused on taking deep, calm breaths, trying to match craig's calm breathing. This worked, but every now and then his breath would hitch and a few more tears would fall, causing the grip around him to tighten. Craig allowed him to take his time to calm.

"Can you tell me what happened back there?" craig asked gently. They'd all been swimming, Craig and his gang, when Tweek was being teased. tweek usually did take things personally, he was just that kind of person. He definitely had never had a panic attack this bad because of only being teased, but that day he was already feeling like shit.

Tweek hiccuped, gribbing at craig's jacket. He started shaking and twitching again. His eyes shut, holding back tears. Sometimes being asked about it made more anxiety just bubble up again.

"Shh, take your time," Craig practically cooed. Tweek nodded, trying to get back to where he was again. He let his mind fly away, focusing on the rise and fall of craig's chest. His grip on the jacket loosened, and he put his head against the others chest. After a few minutes of this, tweek was ready to try to talk about it.

"i- ah! Nghh-" tweek cringed, trying again. "i-i freaked out and ran home-" he finished, squirming a bit. Craig patted his back, showing he did a good job.

"yeah," craig replied, giving a little pause. He looked down at the blonde, who was gripping on his jacket again and getting it all wet with tears. Tweek was still in his swimsuit, and so was craig. Tweek had, after all, rushed out of the swimming pool and ran home, bare foot and all. Poor kid's feet probably hurt. What if he stepped on something? Craig promised himself to check later.

Craig was still in his trunks too, he had yelled at his gang a bit. Telling them that they shouldn't tease Tweek like that. He knew they didn't mean any harm, but it still made him mad. Then Craig had rushed out of the pool, only making time to throw on his jacket and hat. "Can you tell me why you freaked out?" craig added.

Tweek's head bobbed, but he hesitated. "They- ahh- they kept teasing me! And i-i couldnt take it! No one cares about me!" Tweek finished off with a shriek.

Oh, so this was what this was about, Craig thought. That morning, before they had gone out to do anything, tweek sadly asked craig if he liked him. Craig had responded with an, "Of course," then ruffled his hair. So he should've saw this coming by that little hint.

"it's okay- deep breathes, remember?" craig asked, and tweek nodded. Craig gave him probably another minute or two to chill while thinking about what to say. "Why would you think that?"

"you- aghh!" Tweek paused as a harsh jerk went through his body. "You know- no one takes me seriously anymore! They- they-" he shook his head. "no one asks me if I'm okay! People are laughing at me, craig, laughing-!"

tweek got laughed at whenever he had an outburst in the middle of class, usually a shriek from something that scared him. People were even starting to take the steps to purposely scare tweek, just to see him shriek. Craig saw this, and usually just told the people to go fuck themselves. But most people had gotten so used to tweek's shaking that no one gave it a second thought about what was going on in his head. All but Craig.

"Hey, hey.. I care about you. You have me, right?" Craig looked at him, actually showing a gentle expression.

Tweek paused, looking back. He nodded. "y-yeah- but that's just it! I only have you who cares-! Ngh-! I only have one genuine friend-" his voice got quieter towards the end, more sad.

"But that's all you need. You're my only genuine friend," Craig responded, rubbing his shoulder.

tweeks eyes snapped back up and met with craig's. "Really? Ah-! What about Clyde and those guys?"

Craig shook his head. "No, i like them. But they can be assholes. You're the nicest one, my favorite." Craig looked at him. He could've just been lying to make Tweek feel better, but Craig looked pretty genuine. So he took the compliment, practically latching onto it.

Tweek smiled, his eyes still brimmed with tears. He cried a little more, but happier this time. His arms tightly wrapped around Craig and he hugged him.

"Thank you, craig."

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