what did you do!

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"Alright sweety time for school." said a mother getting a small kid ready to go to school.
"Mum I'm in the 4th grade you don't need to get me ready," replied Frances "and please don't drop me off I want to walk today."
"Fine fine" She said kissing her daughter on the head.
"Bye mum I'll be leaving now!" Frances said smiling and running off to school.
"She's grown up so fast."


"Everyone out!" Yelled the principal.
"Gee I wonder what was up his ass.." mumbled Frances as she exited the room.
"Gah... why is it all dark..."
Those were her last as she fell on the ground.
"Frances! My baby what happen-" her mother stood in shock as she saw her daughter with something different about her. "My eyes can't be seeing what they are..."

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