Chapter 1 - Betrayal

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She couldn't believe what she was hearing. It had to be some sick joke. Her ears twitched with doubt. Her tail flicking wildly.

"Masaomi please tell me this isn't true," her voice wavered.

"I'm sorry I really messed up and now I have a huge price to pay.." He clenched his fists so tightly his palms started bleeding.

"You can't do it, you'll die." The girl cried.

"Jess I'm dead either way!" His voice raised, "whether it's by the Mafia or by her."

Jess stood in silence, everything Masaomi had said to her weight heavily on her. She didn't know what to do. But she couldn't just let her boyfriend die.

"I'll help you." She said. Masaomi turned to her, eyes so wide they were ready to pop out of his sockets.

"You can't I won't let you, if you do then..."

"Masaomi, I know the ins and outs of that place. If we do it quickly we won't get caught. And nobody would ever know."

"Still, would you be able to live with yourself?" Masaomi's eyes bore holes into Jess. She flinched slightly, but shook it off, she steeled herself and nodded.

"I can't let you die, no matter what." He noticed it then her eyes flickered from their original pink to dark violet. He also noticed that she had been different lately. More aggressive. It was only slightly but it was enough, especially since she hated violence. 'What happened to you?'

Masaomi was worried to say the least. He feels like Jess doesn't fully understand the consequences of what their about to do.

"Jess please reconsider, you still have time to back out of this." He was hoping she would agree and just leave but to his dismay she did not.

"No now let's go, before she gets home."

Jess jumped down from the tree they were perched on and landed in a freshly cut lawn. A moderate sized pool occupying about half of the garden. She jumped over the pool and and walked to the back sliding door. Quietly she opened the door and slipped inside, Masaomi right behind her. It was dark inside the house, the occupants already sleeping, this made her job even easier to accomplish or so she thought.

"Jess? What are you doing here? Blake isn't home." A deep yet gentle voice said. Jess turned to him.

"Hey Sapphire, I was just going to wait for her," she lied through a convincing smile. Sapphire nodded, he could she was lying but he decided to ignore it. Little did he know he would come to regret that decision.

"I'm just going to get a drink and go back to bed," Sapphire yawned his ears twitching wildly, while stretching his back as he made his way to the sink. Jess watched, she knew what she had to do but she hesitated. Sapphire along with her, Blake and their best friend Kai, they were the only ones left of their kind. Half human half cat. That's when she saw Masaomi quietly walking up behind Sapphire. She wanted to look away but she couldn't. Sapphire's ears twitched sensing the danger. But it was already to late. As Sapphire turned Masaomi had cut across the air. Sapphire's eyes widened as blood sprayed out his neck and onto Masaomi's face. Sapphire held his hand to throat trying to stop the blood. He began to choke on his own blood, which caused him to cough it out.

Sapphire reached for a knife that was sitting on the counter. He swiped at Masaomi who leapt backwards. Jess growled and her body glowed pink her ability Pretty Lady activating. In a blink of an eye Jess was upon Sapphire. She grabbed the hand he had the knife in and crushed it. Sapphire tried to cry out in pain, but it was only a gurgling of blood. He dropped the knife and stumbled back. He looked at his childhood friend, he could barely recognise her. Her eyes dark and empty. Sapphire fell to his knees, the blood still pouring from his neck, seeped out from between his fingers. His eyesight began to blur and he looked up at Jess. She just watched unemotional as he fell forward. Soon after his breathing stopped. Masaomi couldn't do anything but watch. He actually felt scared. Scared of his own girlfriend. He saw her shoulders shake which soothed him almost, he thought she was crying but he couldn't be more wrong. Instead of hearing her sob he heard her laughing. It wasn't any laugh he ever heard from her before. Scratch scared he was terrified. But she was still his girlfriend and she was doing this for him and in the sick sense that it was he was happy for it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2019 ⏰

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