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"Am I correct to understand that you've saved Percy Jackson's life?" Chiron asked Calypso. She nodded. They were in the Big House, trying to decide what to do with her. "Are you sure? you don't seem very sure."

"I'm sure, sir." She said, looking down.

"Come on Chiron give her a break," Leo said, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed.

"Well, he father is-" Chiron started.

"Yours is Kronos, I believe?" Leo said.

"Don't get smart with me, you're already on probation. I can throw you and your little toy out as easy" he said.

"As easy as the war against Gaea made you go from cool to a jerk?"

"As easy as you went from a funny little trickster to a sarcastic juvenile delinquent." Chiron replied!. Leo fell silent. He had always known when he was on enemy ground.

"You could call Percy in and ask him?" Calypso asked timidly after a couple minutes of awkward silence.

"Yes, I think I will." Chiron said and got a golden drachma out. "O Iris, Goddess of colors and messages <<A/N: sorry bruhs didn't have wifi when I wrote this part and tbh didnt care enough to actually look it up in my books oops>> show me Percy Jackson, somewhere in Camp Half Blood." Gods, he's gotten lazy too, Leo thought. I guess it's fair seeing as he's like two jazillion years old.

"Oh!" Annabeth shouted. She and Percy had ben.....busy when the Iris message popped up. Leo shuddered. He would never be able to unsee Percy's bare butt.

"Ms. Chase?" Chiron asked.

"Erm." Annabeth brilliantly said and put her Yankees cap on. Hurried footprints made their way down the sand- and their way right back to retrieve her shirt, bra, pants, panties... <<A/N: do guys say panties??? My friend Zach does but would Leo??? I feel like he would??? idke??? sorry???>>

"Um, Percy." Chiron talked through what came across on his face as sea sickness. "Have you ever been on Ogygia?"

"Yea," Percy said, putting his boxers and jeans back on. When he finally got his shirt on, Leo tapped Calypso's shoulder- she had hidden her innocent (except for their honeymoon suite in Japan😏😏😏) eyes when the disturbing image had popped up. Unlike Annabeth had in the Hades cabin, just days before. That annabeth's all around loco, Leo decided. "She like brought me back to the living-oh, sorry Leo- when Bluestone or Redstone or whatever-colored-stone National Park volcanos thing exploded my sorry butt sky high. I think that was the first time I kissed Annabeth..." Percy said, fumbling with his belt.

"I kissed you," said the air next to him.

"Whatever, Beth." He laughed. "Anyway, Chiron, can I go over to the Ath-" Percy began.

"Archery practice? of course! ill see you there in ten minutes- be prepared to have a fun little chat about respecting girls." Chiron over spoke him. Percy blushed, stumbled and uttered a quick yessir before he waved the image away.

"Athena is going to kill that boy," Chiron decided. "Anyway, Calypso, I guess you can stay. We'll install a second bed in Leo's underground lair- though I fought that'll be necessary." The satyr said and trotted away.

"So...Calypso...." Leo said, taking her hand. "Wanna go for a sunset beach walk?"

"Just so long as it isn't where they were, that sounds lovely." she giggled, smiling. She really had been worried that Chiron would say no. If it hadnt been for her crucial part in the war- you know, saving Leo and Percy- she was sure he would have turned her down.

"Well, I didn't really plan on going there...but we could still go there," Leo suggested. Calypso giggled and pushed his arm. He smiled and looked down. "Come on. Lets go," he said and took her hand.


They were walking toward the lake, hand in hand. the perfect love scene.

WHY WAS LEO BEING SO CRAZY?!?! calypso wondered.

He had, like, grown up or something. Maybe it was the war with Gaea. Maybe it was something else. Whatever it was, it needed to stop.

He had gotten hot. In the last week his hair had gone from " you squint and think about Taylor Lautner then it looks okay....i guess....." long to somewhere in between "I could be Ashton Irwin's hair's twin" long and"crazy hot surfer dude who is completely illiterate and can't do math but shreds some sick waves" long.

He had grown like four inches. he was less than an inch shorter than percy, taller than Jason by half and inch and way taller than herself. NOT OKAY.

Not okay.

And he had gotten muscular. He had developed one of those eight pack things with the V that really hot guys get. Biceps. Triceps. And his back made Calypso day dream and shiver and want all at the same time.




Not acceptable.

Not acquirable.



Not only that, but his personality had changed. He had- shudder shudder shudder- become *whispers* mature.

Being a gentleman. Standing up for her. Not making fun of people. Not teasing frank. Not starting food fights. Doing his chores. Half-way respecting adults. Not flirting with other girls. Not being suggestive (much). It was all too weird. His jokes had vanished in favor of witty sarcasm or something. It was just....




Hey guys! short chapter, sorry..... the next one will be a continuation from right where I stopped. Sorry about that. I have the next chapter in a prewrite stage and if I went any further it wouldn't be out until Monday. The next one should be out by monday, probably. I'm gonna try really hard. And now....


<<hey man I know it's not a lot in comparison but still it's so cool to me so just stop being a hater bro #swerve #hatersgonnahatehatehate #bruh>>

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