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Hiccup awakens with a jolt, gasping as he's roughly yanked from his dream. Drenched in sticky sweat, his pine eyes wide. The trails of his dream still circle his brain, flashing over like a slideshow going too fast.

His dreams haven't gotten easier overtime. The memories of his father's death purging his subconscious relentlessly, mixing in and making it even more horrible than before.

Panting, he glances around, shaky hands gripping the edge of his blanket, which bunches with his hot sweat.

Across the room, lying on his stone slab, a beautiful black reptile stares into Hiccup's eyes with his own acid ones, growling concernedly.

"It's fine, bud" he breathes, voice trembling. "It was just a dream" he says, eyes clouding as he pulls the blanket closer.

The words are mostly for himself rather than the dragon, though it doesn't stop the nightmare from squirming it's way to the front of his conscience.

He shudders, a sob pulling at his throat. He shakes, trying to keep it in as stray tears prick over his eyes.

Warbling, Toothless arises from his burnt bed, walking over to his beloved trainer.

Nudging the young chieftains leg, he warbles once more, his big green eyes wide with concern.

Hiccup looks away.

Toothless nudges him again, albeit stronger this time.

Hiccup sighs, eyes drooping tiredly.

"We were in the Sanctuary..." he begins, before shutting his eyes tightly. He hiccups, rubbing at his eyes furiously.

Yet, despite his best efforts, salty tears still spill down his rough-skinned cheeks.

Toothless warbles comfortingly, nuzzling his rider lovingly.

Hiccup sighs, relaxing. His eyes, though, stay closed. He doesn't try to wipe away his tear tracks.

"Drago had just used his Bewilderbeast to kill my dad, then my mom, then..." he hiccups once more, releasing a sob as fresh tears spill down his cheeks.

Toothless purrs comfortingly, resting his head on the viking's tensed lap. He warbles softly, nuzzling his rider gently.

Hiccup breathes, more tears staining his cheeks, leaving lines streaking over his face.

Toothless purrs softly.

He sighs.

"I tried to get you out, but you were already gone" he finishes, another cry forcing itself through his lips. Toothless warbles softly, leaning closer. He presses the top of his head against Hiccup's chest, licking his pyjamas comfortingly with his rough, slobbery tongue.

Hiccup chuckles wetly. "Bud, you know that doesn't wash out..." he murmurs.

Toothless warbles, lifting his head. Snuggling closer, Toothless licks away his rider's tears, which promotes the human to laugh playfully, a smile breaching his cheeks. Stroking his dragon's head, the two enjoy the light-hearted feeling lifting up the stormy aura of the room, driving it away steadily.

Finally, the black Night Fury presses his head down on Hiccup's chest, forcing the young chieftain down onto his sheets once more.

He laughs.

Then, wrapping his arms around Toothless' neck, he breathes softly into slumber.

"I love you bud" he says.

And, as the world grows black around him, and he falls into unconsciousness with peace, a high-pitched, loving voice speaks to him.

"I love you too."

word count: 514
author's note:
Yup! I'm redoing the whole re-write. Sorry for the short chapter length, I'll try and push out longer ones in the future I promise! uwu
Anywho, thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2019 ⏰

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