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This takes place right after the banquet (like in the image)

I'm deeply sorry for the bad grammar.

Viktor has just made it home after the banquet,he was out of his mind.He kept thinking about something...Yuri Katsuki.

He couldn't believe how someone as perfect as him could exist.Viktor has always been depressed,he's always tried to be the greatest.He was always had anxiety about skating,if he were to mess up,His reputation would go downhill.

But Yuri was different.Even thought he would fall,he would always get back up.Little did Viktor know what really goes down in Yuri's mind.

Yuri's POV (Next morning):

I woke up in my hotel room on my bed,i was still in my formal clothes.I couldn't remember a single thing that happened last,i had a terrible hangover,and i couldn't think straight.I kept trying to remember what happened or who took me to my room.But i couldn't....I couldn't remember a thing

*Yuri's phone rings*

"Oh,a notification." Yuri said as he picked up his phone,it was from Pichit.

pichit:Hey Yuuri! How are you,you went wild last night!

Yuri:Huh? What do you mean wild...?

pichit:You don't remember a thing?!?!

Yuri:No....Was it bad...?

pichit:Lmao! I'll just send you the images,try not to freak out!!!


*After the images*

Yuri couldn't believe what he saw,I shouldn't have drank! God damn it...! Yuri thought,When yuri saw the image of him and viktor dancing,Yuri broke down.He started bawling.

Good job Yuri! Good fucking job! Now the person i love the most probably hates me!Why....Why me....?

Yuri cried himself to sleep.Even thought he new he had to get up.

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