Chapter 1: The Strange Quest

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It was a gorgeous winter day. The snow silently fell from the silver, sunless sky as it blanketed the white, icy ground.

A girl named Juvia Lockser strolled among the white velvet in a steady speed, leaving frosted footsteps behind her. She glanced at her watch quickly and saw the time and began to freak out.

"I'm going to be late! I can't be late! Juvia must make sure that she gets there before Gray!"

The girl's boots barely dented the snow as she ran as fast as her feet could take her. Her cheeks were cherry red due to the immense cold.

As she neared her destination, she didn't slow down. Unfortunately, she wasn't paying attention to where she was stepping.

"Aaahhhhh!!!" the girl cried as she slipped on a piece of ice. She frowned as she rubbed her head. "Oooww," She noticed that she actually bumped into the building's doors. Her guild. Fairy Tail. Known as the #1 Guild in Fiore.

In her daze, she couldn't hear the creaking of the guild's doors.

"Oh! Juvia, are you hurt? What happened a female voice asked with concern as she helped Juvia up.

Juvia rubbed her head a bit more and saw a member of the guild, Mirajane, who was called just Mira by most people.

"Hi, Mira," Juvia dazedly greeted as she held onto the silver girl's hands tightly for balance.

"Here, come inside it's warm in there. You'll feel better once I give you some water," Mira smiled genuinely at Juvia, guiding her into the guild.

"Thank you, Mira. You are very kind," Juvia smiled back with a look of appreciation.

In the guild it was warm. It was filled the sense of winter. There was a fire in the middle of the guild for warmth. Pine leaves and mistletoe hung from the ceiling and filled the air with a forest aroma. It was somehow soothing to Juvia. Mira led her to a table and sat her down there.

"I'll go get you some water. Be right back!" Mira chimed to Juvia as she ran off to the counter.

From across the guild, Juvia could hear Cana demanding Mira to give her more eggnog. It made Juvia giggle for a moment but then she heard a familiar voice that got her attention.

"I told you Flame-brain! I'm a Ice Mage and this heat isn't good for me!"

Gray. The Ice Prince of Fairy Tail. He was known for having some quirks however. One quirk in particular, which was that he somehow would lose his clothes one way or another. But he was very handsome and had a very attractive physique.

"Well it's not my fault, Snowman!Everyone else is freezing in here except for me, because I'm fire!" the Fire Mage, Natsu, argued with Gray.

"Well at least I-" Gray began to argue but was interrupted by Juvia's voice.

"Gray! Good morning!" Juvia greeted as she panted.

"Are you okay, Juvia?" Gray asked, seeing she was panting.

"Oh, I'm fine, Gray. Just fine," Juvia tried to assure Gray but almost tripped.

"Woah! Are you sure you're okay?" Gray asked as he caught her before she hit the ground.

Juvia looked up to see her face just barely away from Gray's. Her face turned blood red and said, "Y-yes,"

Natsu grinned at Juvia and said, "I'm going to go talk to Lucy," Then left Gray and Juvia alone as he held her.

Just as Natsu left, Mira came to see them and gasped almost dropping her tray.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt you two!" Mira exclaimed as she set up the beverages back on it.

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