Chapter 2

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The harpy spread his wings, showing off his full wingspan in a protective stance as if to say

'Back off I'm warning you'

But (y/n) ignored this and only walked closer to the boy, she got down on her knees in order to submit herself to him, trying to show him that she wasn't dangerous so that he wouldn't hurt her

The harpy boy begrudgingly hopped down and grabbed the fish before getting back up into the tree

She opened up the book on Ethan and turned to a chapter that was labeled "communication"

'Ethan can understand some English, but he cannot speak it

We taught him all the necessary words and left out words like 'the' or 'and'

Ethan cannot easily communicate with humans so he will speak through his actions or chirp to catch someone's attention '

(y/n) read over the book... hoping to better understand how she could communicate with the strange boy

She cleared her throat and began talking to the harpy

"Look Ethan, me and you are both trapped in here together- I'm being held hostage because I know a government secret, and you're being held hostage for testing"

Ethan only responded with an annoyed chirp, still eating away at the fish

"Soooo, maybe we could get along? I mean- were both kinda stuck here- we might as well-"

Ethan clearly didn't give a shit about anything (y/n) was saying... he was only acting on instinct and barely seemed to comprehend that he had been locked away in the first place due to the natural environment the enclosure had

(y/n) sighed and just shook her head, she supposed she couldn't expect him to be fully fluent in English

"You know what, nevermind-"

The harpy tore away at the raw fish and she watched in disgust, She figured that since he was half human- he should eat like a human would.. She wasn't sure whether she should intervene at first.. but she could see his face displayed disgust- as if he didn't want to be eating the food that was provided

She tried taking the raw fish from Ethan, but received a warning growl from the harpy-

She sighed and left the enclosure

'I'll just make him something'

She thought to herself

She looked around for something she could use to potentially cook a fish, whether or not they had ovens or anything she could use for cooking, she was unsure of- but since this was a lab she knew they'd have to have something she could use to heat up a fish

She searched for about 5 minutes before figuring it wasn't really worth the trouble

Then she saw it.... a paper bag with the name -Alexis- written across it... surely Alexis wouldn't mind if she borrowed her lunch, it's the least she could do after practically kidnapping the girl

She opened up Alexis's supposed lunch bag and pulled out a turkey sandwich, blue berries, and beef jerky


She thought to herself, and started making her way back to Ethan's enclosure

She shut the enclosure door and approached the boy yet again, handing him the bag

He stood still for a moment in confusion, scanning over the contents of the bag before he knocked it over and grabbed the container of blue berries, he examined the tiny fruits before turning them over, sniffing them, and finally placing one in his mouth

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