Butterfly Kisses

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Fog Prince

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My gaze did not

Expect to spot

The lighthouse in a storm, from the

Perspective of a former

Love-intoxicated organ.

A vampire in the day, quiet with

A lively spirit;

He was socially narrow as his mannerisms were

Drenched in the loudest colors that only

Peaked through.

Pushed off to the side, yet

Protruding on even the

Gloomiest of days.

There was utter serenity in

Those chocolate eyes

Encased in the pale blanket

Of his flawless skin,

Although what stuck out to me

Were his knee-high socks in a

Football field of Nikes.

Moreover, bland yet distinct style

From him

While a minuscule smile

Simply glowed unconscious.

Barely known,

-an outcast.

Fortunately, consuming the world

Through my surprisingly likewise


He was my doppelgänger,

Without a single doubt.

Those Cartoon Crushes

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Grasping onto figments

Simply burned my pigment

Atop the visage, excreting

Jovial hysterics;

Immaturity, utmost.

But a legitimate phase?

My abyss-like eyes grew lost in their own

Neurotic wasteland combined,

For a phase, so I conceived,

Was in fact a lofty ideal.


A conglomerate of delusions sang in a deafening manner

To computer speakers' synths and whiny shouting;

A party in my mind

Retrospectively comes off as a laughingstock

All in itself.

God be the days.

Paintbrush Through A Needle

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It was like love at first sight,

The kind that only sheds half a tear while the rest was

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