Chapter one

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Chapter 1

It all started in September 23 2004, I woke up from a super loud thump coming from outside. I get up out of my bed and walk on the hardwood floors to the window, it was a thunderstorm happening so I thought nothing about it .But then, I noticed that the window was open, Immediately I knew that I didn't open my window. It was freezing cold,I thought to myself it was probably my siblings pulling off a sick prank so,I shrugged it off and walked right back to my bed and fell asleep right away.

September 24 2004

It was 7:48am and I usually wake up at 7:00 I woke up from my alarm clock looked at the time and started to freak out so I ran into the bathroom I brushed my teeth, combed my hair walked out got my cloths went back to the bathroom changed into my morning cloths and started running down the flight of stairs to the kitchen. Right away I was greeted by my father which had prepared breakfast. He made toast, eggs and fruits for me so I ate my breakfast as fast as I could and left the kitchen in a hassle and put on my shoes and left off for school. I looked at my watch it was 8:28! I started sprinting as fast as I could I only had 2 minutes! And the walk from my house to school usually takes 10minutes, 5 minutes has passed by I saw my school and was relieved even thought I was 3 minutes late. So I walked to the main office and when I got there for some reason nobody was there so I called my mother on my old Nokia flip phone and asked if we had a P.A Day at school, she sounded quit confused when I asked her she replied "What do you mean by is it a P.A Day?, it's a school day. Why do you ask?" .... I said nothing and hung up. I was super confused so I called my friend her name is Gina, Gina was my best friend since kindergarten and still are. So I called her, she declined so I texted her. About a couple seconds later she texted me and I was horrified. She said that there was a lockdown happening and there was a man with a gun wondering around the hallways I texted her if she was telling the truth. She said it was real and she had to stop texting. So I grabbed my stuff ran into the janitors closet that was located right next to the main office. I called my mother and father and told them the situation my parents both said to keep calm and the police where probably on their way. About 3 minutes later I herd footsteps coming down the hallway. My heart dropped, the armed man was wandering around the halls and looking at each door to make sure nobody was there. I herd doors slamming, running, kicking doors I was horrified. But then I herd faint footsteps becoming louder, and louder, and louder so even though I was still in mental shock I got my courage and started preparing to make a run for it I counted in my head, 1 2 3 and I ran! There were 4 armed men blocking each exit my heart was racing I was having an anxiety attack until I saw the upstairs unit stairs and started shaking and sprinting. I didn't look back at all, I ran all the way to my homeroom and right away when I got there I started yelling and saying that it was me. So the teacher probably recognized my voice and opened the room for me and I sat all the way next to Gina and when we saw each other we saw the sight of relive. 10minutes passed by, we finally herd police sirens the police came to the building and made us all evacuate the school. They got the 4 armed men that I saw but there were actually 10 of them. I was so relieved when this all ended. My parents showed up and we went home and I explained everything that happened. I told myself "I'm never going to school late ever again".

"EAT MY POOP"-Sahar Khan

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