Part 14

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The week went by so fast, with a lot of work on my plate. Making me look like I've got a life. But a warm wave of  relief hit my face, knowing it's already weekend and I've got two days and three nights of freedom to put rest to my eyes.

While engaging my eyes onto the screen of my Laptop and dwelling deeper into the movie that stole my entire concentration, a soft sneer knock beamed on my door. Ayandra bushed it open and I gave her a warm welcoming smile.

"A call came in for you" She said handing me the emergency house phone.

"Call" I asked surprisingly, stretching my arm to her.

"Hey Casey, I've been trying to reach you all day" An excited man's voice claimed.

"Snow" I asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, we were supposed to go out tonight remember"

"Shit! Yeah, uhm sorry. I switched off my phone earlier. Didn't want any disturbance, but since you crossed to another line,  guess it's no use any more" I bit my lip.

"So I'll pick you up at seven"

"Sounds good to me"

Hanging up the phone, I handed it back to Ayandra and she saw herself out. Closing my eyelids, I leaned back on the door, and stood still. Calming my fears and panic attacks.

I grabbed my towel and filled the bathtub with warm water and clear bubbles. Tipping my toes in, I played music to sooth my mood. I took deep breaths, meditating my soul and filling my head up with positive thoughts.

After a long therapeutic bath, I slipped my black high waist jean on,  fitting it with my white Vans crop top and white Jordan sneakers. I did a lil touch of makeup on my face and grabbed my little black and white stripped Gucci bag, making my way to the Kitchen. Not long after I heard the door bell rang and I rushed to swift it open.

"Wow! You look too extra. Are you sure you wanna be seen with me looking like that" I complimented on snow's handsome look.

"You look amazing Casey! Ready to go" he smirked extending his arm to open the car door for me.

"I can do that for myself, thank you" I joked sarcastically, with him returning my statement with a soft smile.

All drive long we sang to all the music, putting us in a party mood. Arriving at the Warehouse artists club, we walked all the way to the counter to order drinks.

I excused myself to the restroom. In a noisy and crowded club, I felt like I was being followed. I breathed in and out, continuing with my walk. "Just paranoia. Nothing else" I affirmed to myself.

After few seconds of contemplation, I felt a soft touch on my shoulder and a deep voice called my name. "Just another anxiety attack" I said to myself.

"Casey? Is that you" He yelled again.

I turned around and a deep feeling crumpled up in my belly. A soft shock to my heart and a memory that left my brain blank. "OMG, looks like history is reshaping thyself" Deep there in my head, I thought.

"Cassandra" He sighed

I was about to say "sorry I think you've mistaken me with someone else" but I remembered changing my hair back to normal.

"Zack? What are you doing here" I unbelievably questioned.

"I made a transfer here, at the state hospital" His white fleshy teeth shined.

" Why" I asked in disbelief.

"Long story. So what happened to you? What have you been up to"

"Two years ago I went to live with my Granma back in the Coast, but then she passed away a year later and I moved back here. Crazy right" I sighed.

"Are you here alone" He asks.

"Nah, I came with Snow"

"Trisha's brother from London?" His voice crushed, wearing off his vivid smile.

"Yeah. I gotta go. I'll see you around" I hugged him goodbye and walked back to Snow. Who stood wondering around the room, holding two bottles of beer.

"Here you are, what took you so long"

"Ladies stuff" we both cracked and stood staring at the artists on stage, voicing the requested songs.

Far in the corner. Zack stood, his eyes not letting me out of his sight. He took continuous sips from his beer and walked towards the front stage. He grabbed a mike from one of the D.j.s. and started to choreograph "Hello by Adele".

His voice stole my soul away and traveled with it through the thick branches of the darkness and eventually back to sparkling lights and the sound of the beats floated me along the deep melodies.

Everybody just stood there stuck in awe.
As he hit the last lines of the song I overheard myself wowing to his talented rhymes with my hand brought along my chest, reaching for my heart. His voice was music to my ear. And I saw him smile back at me as if the whole song was meant for me.

The crowd cheered for him as he stepped down from stage and I could feel Snow's eyes burning up on me and slowly but surely I amended off my thoughts, putting my smile back to  where it belonged.

"Do you know that guy" He asked with curiosity.

"Yeah that's Zack. We went to high school together" Stuck my gaze on him I replied taking a sip from my beer.

"I see"

"Hey, are you alright" I asked returning my focus back to him.

"Yeah, Just trying to get used to being around you" He rubbed his thumb on his lower lip, lifting his eyes up  to Zack.

"What's that supposed to mean"

"Nothing. Another round of beer" He grinned with a question.

"We should go. It's getting late. I didn't tell my parents I was going out tonight. I don't want them to go blow me up with questions." I sighed.

We drove all the way through town leaning my head on my window. Engaging my eyes with bright city lights mixing up with darkness and allowing the soft air to have its way to my face. As it escapes through the sunroof.

Silence creeps between us all way long but the music was there to sooth the atmosphere.

"Thanks for tonight, I had a really good time" I said to Snow closing the door behind me.

"Don't mention it. We should do this more often" he smirked and I smiled back in return.

Finding my keys from my purse, I unlocked the door and waved goodbye to Snow. He pumped the car engine harder and disappears into the night.

*Things just got interesting. Don't forget to add the story to your libraries to keep yourself updated  automatically to the new parts coming*

Love and light


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