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I didn't know what I was doing. I had no self control over my body at that very moment. He unzipped my pants and pulled then down slightly. I felt my body tingle, he pulled at the hem of my underwear asking for permission. I wrapped my legs around him, telling him it was okay. He pulled them down exposing my lower have of my body. "Louis.. please i-" what an I saying? "I know, I'll help you baby." Louis then pulled off my pants and underwear completely, picked me up bridle style and led me to the bedroom.

"Mhmm you're so beautiful I swear." Louis gently laid me across the bed. "I don't want to take advantage of you." He said "You're in a different place of mind. I don't want to take that for my own self pleasure.." he said to me "I don't care if I'll regret it later on! Please I need this i-" Louis slapped his lips onto mine, I melted into the kiss. We broke apart, to breath he started laying butterfly kiss across my body he bit my neck, that's gonna leave a mark. I thought to myself. He made his way down my body until he was at that point. I closed my eyes to prepare myself for the new phenomenal sensation I was about to feel.

"Are you ready?" He said to me. I pulled at his hair signifying that I wanted this. I felt his tounge slip inside of my core.


What the hell did I just do. My first time with LOUIS. God I'm so stupid. My thoughts were completely interrupted when Louis turned around and kissed my cheek gently as he slept. I laid awake at 2 in the morning, with Louis in bed next to me, asleep. I slipped out if his grasp and picked up my cloths a shoved them into my laundry basket, grabbed a blanket and fell asleep on the couch.

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