BONUS: Fairy Tail: Drunk love!

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Cana has made everyone drunk!

"Lucy~ I loooove yooouuuuu!" Natsu drunkly screamed.

"Will you marry me juvia???" Gray screamed.

"Nooo! Lucy and I will get married firstttt!" Natsu screamed.

"Of course juvia will marry graaaay ! We can have liiiiiiiiiikkkkkeeee 33 children!!!" Juvia screamed.

"Meeee toooooo!!!" Lucy screamed.

"Nooooooooooooo!!!!!! I willl be the first to marry!!!! I will marry jelllllallll!!" Erza
screamed as Jellal walked in blushing.

"W-what?!" Jellal asked.

"Cana got them all wasted," laxus explained being the only one not drunk in fairy tail.

"Laaaaxxxusss~ How about we get married??" Mira jane sweetly asked.

"Gajeel we have to beat lucy!!" Levy muttered.

"And salamanders!!!" Gajeel screamed.

"Carla! Lets get married with natsu and luuuucccyyyy!" Happy said underneath carla.

"Fine but go higher!" Carla commanded Happy.

"This is going to be in all the news!Hahahahahah!! Mira did you think you were the only who was a matchmaker!" Cana cackled.


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