The Competition

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"What's your solution?" Apollo asked, his glare alternating between Hades and Aphrodite.

Aphrodite gave his a face-splitting grin, "Let's turn it into a competition!"

This caught Hades attention, "What type of competition?"

"We'll each make a baby, and we'll get someone to pick which is the best, and that's the baby we'll present to Will and Nico."

"That's not a bad idea." Apollo mused. "We'll need to make certain criteria to make sure it's an even match."

Aphrodite squealed, "We'll all make infant girls."

Hades looked thoughtfully around the room, "Who will judge this little competition?"

Apollo raised his hand as if he were in a classroom, "How about Hestia? She won't be biased."

"So that's the rules, make a baby girl, and Hestia will judge. Anymore questions?" Aphrodite recited.

"One more thing. I'm the God of the Underworld, how do I make a living thing?" Haded questioned.

"That's for you to find out." Apollo smirked, "Ready. Steady. GO!" and he and Aphrodite left with a pop.

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