Chapter I

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    "Good night Toad." said Peach.
    "Good night Princess." I said as I went to my room. As I changed into my Pajamas I thought about how I couldn't wait for the big Tennis Tournament that would be happening tomorrow. As I lay in bed, I realized that I couldn't sleep. I was too excited about having a great time with all my friends. I had finally almost drifted off to sleep when it happened. *BANG* It sounded like something had slammed it's full weight against the front door of the castle, and from the way the bang sounded, it was very heavy.. *BANG* Scared out of my mind I hid under my covers, hoping to hide from whatever was trying to bust into the castle. With one final *BANG* I heard the castle doors come crashing in. Whatever it was, had gotten inside.

Heavy footsteps began resounding through the castle halls. I had no idea what to think of this situation. I wished desperately that the Bros would come and protect us from whatever this thing is, but they were most likely fast asleep at this time of night so we were helpless. The footsteps continued. They seemed to be heading this way. Who or whatever this is, was most likely here to take the Princess. It was drawing near now. Its pounding footsteps were almost deafening it was so close. It passed my room and continued towards the end of the hall where Peach's room was 

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Peach screamed. I could only imagine how scared she must be right now. Who or whatever this thing is came here to take her.
    "is this Bowser's doing?" I wondered. I was overcome with curiosity. I just had to see what this thing is. I carefully opened my door as to not make too much noise. sadly I had to open it quite a bit because of my head being quite large. as I peered down the hall into Peach's room I could make out two silhouettes in the darkness. one of them was unmistakebly the princess, but I couldn't quite make out who the other one was. he looked both familiar and foreign at the same time. then the realization hit me. He looks almost exactly like Mario! Suddenly, he lunged and grabbed Peach in one quick, and rigid motion. he then broke into a sprint, and he dove straight through the window in her room shattering the glass in the process. too scared to think straight, I ran and leapt into my bed and hid under the blankets. I then blacked out because of my fear.

    "Wake up Toad!" I heard an elderly voice say. I didn't even have to open my eyes to know that it was Toadsworth speaking "Toad, you must get up. We're in an emergency situation!" As I opened my eyes I saw him there, illuminated by the morning light, and a look of extreme worry on his face. It was clear that waking me up was his first priority. he hadn't even combed his mustache yet, and he was still wearing his pajamas.
    "Uhhhhh. What's happening?" I asked.
    "Toad. We are holding an emergency meeting in the castle conference hall in an hour. You must make haste and get yourself looking somewhat presentable. We'll discuss more then." He replied.
    "Uhhh, all right." I said, still feeling extremely tired. "What time is it anyway?" I thought as I got out of bed and started rushing to get myself ready for the meeting.

By the time I entered the conference hall Many other Toads had already arrived. The room itself was huge. There was a massive table in the center which could seat at most one hundred people. The carpet was Red, and the walls were white, and they were decorated with portraits of many of the important figureheads of the kingdom such as Peach, Mario, Luigi, Myself and many others. At one end of the room was a large podium that is where the princess would normally be speaking at. I didn't know very many of the Toads in the room personally. All the official business, and totally boring stuff that goes into running a kingdom never really interested me so I never went out of my way to talk to these Toads. There were some that I did know however. There was Blue Toad who had so bravely adventured with the Bros to rescue the princess twice. There was an open seat next to him which I imagine would be for his brother Yellow Toad, but he hadn't arrived yet. Several members of the Toad brigade were here such as their Yellow Toad who had his head resting on the table, and his eyes closed as always, Hint Toad who was  hard at work cleaning his glasses, and Mail Toad who was sorting out some letters. Bank Toad wasn't there which is understandable because he works at the Toad Town bank, and he only ever focusses on helping people with their money issues anyway. What was more strange was that Captain Toad was absent.
    "Maybe he's just running late." I thought as I took my seat next to Toadette who looked beautiful as always.

Toadette and I engaged in small talk until at last we saw Toadsworth enter the room. Everyone was silent once he entered. Everyone had a deep respect for Toadsworth because he had been around since before all of us were born. He stopped in front of the podium and began to speak.
    "Good Morning everyone. I see that everyone who could attend is present and accounted for." One of the female Toads I don't know then spoke.
    "If I may ask, where's Captain Toad?"
    "He sadly could not attend this meeting. He's currently away on an adventure, and he won't be back for some time." Toadsworth answered. He then continued, "As you all are no doubt aware, late last night some unknown assailant broke into the castle and kidnapped our fair Princess Peach. We have gathered here today to discuss how we should proceed from here." Toadette then spoke.
    "So, are we just gonna send the Bros to go save her like we always do?" She asked.
    "Precisely!" Toadsworth replied. "We have already sent Blue Toad's brother Yellow Toad to fill them in on the situation. We can always count on those two to rescue her."

Suddenly the door to the room was flung open, and Blue Toad ran in.
    "AAAAAAHHHHH everyone its awful! I went to the Bros house to fill them in on what happened, but they weren't there!" he yelled. Everyone's expressions then turned to to worry. Even Yellow Toad from the Toad Brigade looked restless in his sleep.
    "Oh no!" Toadsworth said.  "What in the Mushroom Kingdom are we supposed to do now? Our saviors have gone missing. Who will save the princess now?!" Suddenly, I was overcome with courage that I didn't know I had.
    "I'll save her." I proclaimed. '"As Princess Peach's noble retainer, I feel it is my duty to rescue her in the Bros absence."
    "A splended idea, but are you certain you want to do this?" Toadsworth asked.
    "Like I said it is my duty to save her, and it is something that I must do alone." I replied.
    "No way you're going alone!" Toadette shouted. "If you're going I'm coming with you."
    "Toad. I think it would be wise if you brought Toadette along with you. Two heads are better than one after all." Toadsworth suggested.
    "You're right." I admitted. "It'd be great to have some company on this adventure too." I said while smiling and looking at her.
    "Then it's settled! It's up to you two to save our beloved Peach, and come home safely." Toadsworth said excitedly. "I suggest you pack some things and leave at sunrise tomorrow morning. This meeting is now finished. You all cango about you're normal business, but please keep this situation a secret. We wouldn't want the general public to find out and have panic break loose." Everyone in the room nodded in agreement and they all started making their way out of the room.
    "Do you really think we can do this?" I looked to Toadette and asked.
"Of course we can! You just have to believe in yourself." She replied.
    "All right. Ill pack some stuff, and I'll meet you at the main hall of the castle tomorrow at sunrise." I said, and then we parted ways for now.

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