Meeting people

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Everything was in havoc as you could call it Chae- bum and elijah were fighting stuff was burning in the kitchen and the smoke detector wouldn't stop going off.

I was getting really annoyed that no one was trying to stop the fight between the two boys or stop the smoke detector from beeping.

My ruthless animalistic side was coming out and i really wanted to rip something apart, my tail getting stepped on was the last button that needed to be pushed in order for me to transform out of anger.

Narrator pov

Demeter seemed to disappear from the scene of chaos, a flash of light to mark where she once was. And right where she had once stood sat a very vicious looking red panda You may think that these creatures are just cuddly little fluff balls but they are not, a pack of ailurus fulgens can take down a whole elk if they wanted to.

Demeter or Odysseia the name for her animal form sat for a second observing her surroundings looking for a place to climb for her attack. She found one which was the banister overlooking the open concept house. Taking her time to climb up the stair railing she finally reached the top and thought of which hooman she was going to attack first.

Her eyes caught onto Elijah remembering what he had said to her just moments ago, rage filled Odysseia's mind Demeter sitting in the back of it pleased with the choice of who she was going to attack.

A loud yell was heard from elijah as Odysseia sank her teeth into the clothed flesh of his arm, which was at the moment wrapped around Chae-Bum's head. Eljah let go of Chae-Bum's head only to be body slammed by him and then again bitten by Odysseia.

Eiljah was confused on why he was the one getting attacked and why the others weren't getting the same treatment.

Elijah pushed Cha-Bum off of him to see what had kept bitting and scratching him.

It was then that the two boys had noticed that demeter was missing and that a red panda seemed to have replaced her. They for once stopped there fighting to try to talk to Odysseia.

"Um Demeter could... could you please turn back", Chae - Bum said but Odysseia wasn't listening instead she snarled at him and turned back to Elijah. His very presence irritates the mess out of her and all she wanted was that he was gone and out of her sight.

Elijah tried one last attempt to calm odysseia down. He slowly approached her and reached his hand out to pet one of her ears (one of Demeter and Odysseia's many pet peeves) she started to growl and at that moment he knew ..... He fucked up.

There was a flash of red and Odysseia's mouth was just inches from Elijah's neck, ready to split his artery but she didn't Odysseia smelt the air, there was a smelly smell that smelled deliciously... smelly. "Who wants Chicken Bamboo curry" Odysseia immediately let Demeter take over as they transformed into her human form, another guy from the group that stood there earlier was standing in the entryway of the kitchen as she rushed over to him and almost hugging him with adortion but then remembering that she hated to openly show affection.

The two boys who were just moments ago in a brawl stood shocked at how Demie could go from fierce and angry to adorable and cute.

(Time skip)

Demie's Pov

We were all sat down at the table in the dining room, everything had cooled down after the fight. There was a sliding screen door off to the side of the half room (half kitchen half dining room) it was letting in cold fall air which I highly disapproved of because my legs were starting to get cold.

"You cold ain't ya" Chae-bum said noticing how i slightly shivered every time the wind started to blow, what made it worse was that I was directly in front of the window, so most of the wind would blast on me.

"No", i said stubbornly

"Well it's Johan's fault, he's the one who said it was stuffy in here", Joseph the one who cooked the food said.

Johan is one of Chae-Bums friends from S. Korea. Johan was like the little brother of the group that bossed all of the other boys around.

I ignored the starting argument and looked around at the rest of the people sitting at the table. I had learned a few things about these boys... well men through observing and partly them telling me. Johan (japanese) was the youngest of the group being 22 and he was apparently a pain in the butt that absolutely needed strawberry milk like crack. He wears his hair in a semi long hairstyle and is always wearing a white shirt, jeans and tims . Next up the age line was Roman (italian) he was the second oldest age 23, he has a very artistic side and absolutely adores photography.He has his hair in a mullet style that actually works for him (like tae's mullet), iv'e noticed that he likes big hoodies or some odd style type cloths, then there's belck E.. El.. Eli.. ok i'll say it then there's Elijah (white) anyway I don't care for him much but I'll deal with him for the time that I'll stay here. He's third youngest. Even tho he has strong features he has a squishy face. He seems to like contemporary dance because he wouldn't stop talking about how many awards he has won for it, he also seems to have an interest in figure in ice skating. So that's the thing.


Henlo baby mellos

There's the first three Maknaes

the story shall be rockinly sailing from here lol

Sorry for being super late

For one i was lazy

And two school

Oh also three i was stuck watching this k Drama and also anime called

(k) this thing called first love

(a)Love chunibyo and other delusions

So im back from the dead your 1llogically late writer

Plz comment I love feedback

Stay squishy


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