Day 24 week 4

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I wake up in a cage. I decided to use my tentacles to crash the bars but I got shocked. I whimper and curl up into a ball. I heard footsteps and I look at the person when the stop walking. It was ink and I got mad.

Ink: "I know your mad but I need your help."
Janet: (growled) "what you want."
Ink: "look nightmare and his team didn't rescue G and I want G to confess the bad Sanses plans."
Janet: "I'm not helping you."
Reaper: "you don't have a choice."

Ink left the room and reaper walk in front of me. I growled and my eyes become slits.

Reaper: "I know you are mad but if evilly comes out, we have a problem."
Janet: "so what if that happens, I will hurt anyone that will get in my way."

I felt a sleeping dart on my neck and I fall asleep.

A few hours later

I wake up in Sci's lab with my hands cuffed behind my back.

Sci: "reaper is going to take you to the interrogation room."

I sit up on the bed and left my legs dangled from the side of the bed. Reaper came in and take me to the interrogation room. I could hear the conversation.

Ink: "if you're not going to tell me what nightmare is planning on using team neutral. I guess I have to use my secret weapon."

Reaper push me into the interrogation room and I look at G. Ink walk to me and unlock the cuffs. Reaper and ink left the room and I hugged G. I gave him a kiss and hold his hand.

G: "did they hurt you?"
Janet: "no but did they hurt you."
G: "I'm fine really."
Janet: "don't tell them anything."
G: "I know, keep my "mouth" shut"
Janet: "good."

I gave him a good luck kiss. Reaper and ink came inside the room. Reaper drag me out and take me back to my cage. He push me into my cage and then walk away. My eyes are still in slits but I curled up and fall asleep.
Written: December 9, 2019
Words: 362

The fight for love: part 2 Trial 2 (The Glass souls)Where stories live. Discover now