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Making sure her footsteps were silent, Natali ran from the sanctuary and out into the open. Staying behind the statues that littered the courtyard, she made sure that she kept out of sight. Looking around, Natali kept an eye out for something out of the ordinary, something that might give her a hint as to who had been in the temple.

Natali turned to her left to try and see past the colossal mountain of rock that was in her way, when something on the ground caught her eye.
Leaning down to pick up the shiny object, she carefully began to inspect it, trying to discern what it was she was looking at.

Natali watched as the object created small shapes on the ground, entranced at the designs created by the reflected light hitting the unknown item. Turing it around in her hand, she noticed something peculiar. On the back, engraved into (what she later discovered was a metal locket and ring) back, were the words.

"There is beauty in all chaos~"

Natali's brow furrowed. A sudden, nauseating wave of everything and nothing and anything that could be in between hit her.

Grabbing her head, she dropped to the ground, screaming as flashes of lives she didn't remember living forcing their way through her mind.

The world was tilting on its axis, the trees around her spun so fast she couldn't tell one from another. Trying to calm herself down, Natali failed to hear the frantic footsteps that seemed to be heading in her direction.

Just as sudden as the remembrance started, it stopped. Leaving Natali on the ground, in pain, and more confused than she had ever been.

Trying to stand, Natali stumbled around, attempting to keep her balance steady. Feeling faint once more, she tried to keep her eyes open as darkness creeped into the edges of her vision.

Just as Natali began falling, she felt arms grab around her waist, keeping her centered and level.

The last thing she saw were the hazel eyes of the stranger who held her up. And as her vision went black, Natali could only think one thing.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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